Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Growing up I would sit backstage in my Mom’s dressing room and watch wide eyed as she transformed from sweatpants clad Mommy to GLITTERING SUPERSTAR DIVA. I was mesmerized as she painted on the makeup, applied the long fake lashes, brushed on the bright red nail polish and fluffed the magnificent mane of hair. As she slipped into the sparkling beaded gown and the matching designer stiletto heels, she became my own life-size doll.

Growing up the daughter of a FASHION ICON, one can’t help but be drawn to the world of FASHION and BEAUTY.

I was awkward and shy growing up (I hid behind my huge, tortoise rimmed glasses, frizzy braids, baggy clothes and sneakers), but when no one was around my inner BEAUTY emerged. When the backstage dressing room was empty, I would mount the vanity table and paint my own lips and cheeks and nails. I would drape myself in the gowns of beads and sparkles and shuffled around in stiletto heels. Posing in the mirror, I was a FABULOUS DIVA (though to everyone else I was just a little girl playing dress up).

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I think that everyone has within them a GLITTERING SUPERSTAR DIVA. It just takes a mix of beauty and fashion secrets, confidence to know and believe you are FABULOUS!

Here are some BEAUTY tips and secrets I’ve learned through the years (I’m still listening and learning everyday) from my mom, older sisters, friends and even websites (I love Get FABULOUS people and discover your inner BEAUTY!!!

My hair has always been one of my biggest stress points. I wish it would curl into a cascade of ringlets like my sister Tracee’s, but instead it always knotted into a frizzy mess. My hair has always been long, so I never could seem to keep it under control. A couple of years ago, I got the Yuko hair straightening. I miss my curls and frizz now and then, but the ease of having straight hair has made my life a million times less stressful (and saved me a ton of grey hairs). My advice is to love the hair you were given and if you don’t love it FIX IT! Try not to use too much color, chemicals or heat and ALWAYS condition (I love Kerastase, but a cheaper FABULOUS option is Sunsilk Hydra TLC)!

I’ve been blessed with pretty clear skin (thank heavens) and I always wash my face in the morning and before I go to bed (ok… almost always! Unless I’m too tired to! Haha)! I just discovered this cheap eye makeup remover by Almay which is awesome to wick away the smokey eye from a night on the town (so you don’t wake up in the morning looking like a raccoon). If I break out, I try not to pick at my zits because it will scar (Don’t pick at your pimples!) and every couple months I treat myself to a facial by Terri Lawton, the woman who works miracles on many Hollywood hotties including Demi Moore (If only I would look like Demi when I’m her age)!

I love to wear makeup, particularly eye makeup! I have big eyes, so why not play it up! My makeup advice is: Don’t over do it! If you wear a smokey eye, go light on the rest of the make up (natural is FABULOUS)! If you wear red lipstick (which is so sexy!), keep it natural everywhere else. Wear lip-gloss always or chapstick! Chapped lips are NOT FABULOUS! I just learned how to put on fake eyelashes! I buy them for $3 at CVS and rock them when I go out on the town. Fake eyelashes are FABULOUS for sure!

Clean is good. I love a good long soak in a tub or a steamy hot shower. I think bar soap is gross, so I always use a yummy smelling shower gel! I moisturize like a crazy lady (I hate being ashy or so dry I feel itchy). I think Aveno is amazing and not too expensive. I always have clean-shaven legs and arm pits. You never know when the man of your dreams might run his hand over your thigh (prickly is not cute)! Hairy armpits are stinky and stinky is NOT FABULOUS! I wax (my nether regions), but I think that is a personal preference. Some people like to go bush whacking ☺ Ha! Ha! I would love to try laser hair removal, but it’s so expensive. My advice: always be clean and moisturized!

Dental hygiene is so important. Not only so you don’t have stank breath, but because when you smile as BIG as I do, your teeth are the first thing people see. Brush those teeth twice a day (at least), floss more than I do (I should take my own advice. I usually floss once a month!) and visit the dentist regularly. I get my teeth cleaned every six months (which is luckily covered under my insurance). I’ve had 2 root canals when I was younger (OUCH) and I don’t want any more!

Manicures and pedicures are so cheap here in LA that I usually get one every 2 weeks. I feel clean, sexy and put together with a nice French Mani / Pedi. In between my manicures, I play with colored nail polish. Red is hot for a night out. Black is sleek and sexy. Light colors or white are fun in the summer. Sometimes, I feel WILD and paint each nail a different color or alternate two colors.

Being clean is the best fragrance, but I always like to jazz things up with a little perfume. My mom gives us Joe Malone candles and perfume for Christmas. I LOVE the rose and vintage gardenia! Right now, I mostly wear Gucci Rush, but I have to say I also like Paris Hilton’s fragrance (shoot me!) and Britney’s ain’t bad either! Smelling sweet and fresh is always a better option than musty and sweaty!

I am not opposed to fixing your flaws if it would make you more happy and confident, but it is NOT for me. I think our differences and uniqueness is what makes us beautiful and special. There are days I hate the bump on my nose or wish my chest would fill out my top better, but at the end of the day I am happy with me! Concerning Cosmetic surgery, my advice is to put A LOT of thought into it before hand, chose a reputable doctor and DON’T OVER DO IT! Maybe a little botox for me in my future, but for right now I’m all good!

Discover your inner BEAUTY people and flaunt it!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Growing up, my mom (and Hollywood Pop, the event planning company) would help my siblings and I plan the most FABULOUS themed BIRTHDAY PARTIES. For my 9th birthday, I had a Jane Fonda workout party (Jane Fonda was really hip back in the day) where everyone was given a unitard and leg warmers as they walked through the door. Clad in our matching workout gear, we stretched and “swung it out” in front of a big screen TV. Those who were lucky enough to get the invite for the slumber party received kimonos to wear as we struggled with chopsticks and gorged ourselves with Chinese food.

The year I turned 12, I had just moved from New York to Connecticut and didn’t have many friends. So I invited everyone in my class and in the neighborhood to my softball themed party. I split everyone into two teams (each wearing a green or blue jersey with CHUDNEY #1 written on the back). I put all the cool kids that I wanted to be my friends on MY team (of course) and the ones I didn’t like on the other (good ploy to make friends I thought… It didn’t work ☹)

My 21st birthday, I rented out a club called POLYESTERS and you were not allowed in unless you were dressed in 70’s attire (NO exceptions! My mom and Dad included!) I’ve done a Britney Spears party, Ballerina Princess party, Karaoke Rock Star party…. I LOVE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!

Even though I’m getting younger each year (ha ha!) it’s FABULOUS to plan big, extravagant birthdays to celebrate being me! Mark your calendars people – November 4th!!

Every year, my friend Claudia Jordan (suitcase #1 on Deal or No Deal) throws a big and FABULOUS BIRTHDAY PARTY. (Last year, she had an eighties themed roller skating party at World On Wheels which was super fun check out April 8, 2007 blog)! This year was no different! I received the Evite a couple weeks ago with over 400 RSVPs for the Dancing With The Stars themed party at Boulevard3 in Hollywood. I was stoked because as I said before I LOVE birthdays and themed / costumed ones definitely take the cake (Mmmm… I love cake too)!

The invitation called for men in dinner jackets and ladies to “throw on your most glam dress… something glittery with a flower in your hair.” I love to get dolled up, so I was stoked. I picked out a seriously glam, ruffly, pink floor length gown. BUT when I started asking people what they were going to wear no one seemed to be getting dressed up (BORING!) I didn’t want to be over dressed and out of place so I opted for a flowy, flirty brown and black dress (that I borrowed from Tracee) perfect for a spin around the dance floor!

I arrived to three paparazzi snapping shots outside the club. Obviously, no big stars had showed up yet because they turned their lenses at me. Ha! Ha! I know what they are looking for (a drunkin fall, a panty-less flash, anything scandalous). You’re not gonna get any of that from me if I can help it! I smiled, waved and made my way in the party.

My friend / promoter Kennedy was at the door. It was nice to see a friendly face since I showed up to the party alone. I walked the red carpet… again I question why they snap shots of me. I guess it gives the nasty, mean blog sites pics of me to make fun of (awesome)! I also like to look at the photos on and the next day to see how I looked!

I sipped cocktails and chatted with acquaintances in the crowd until Claudia arrived. She twirled on the red carpet in a sexy golden sheath looking FABULOUS then was whisked away into the crowd.

My friend Kim K and Melody from the Pussy Cat Dolls arrived soon after. I joined their entourage and we made our way through the crowd to wish the birthday girl birthday wishes. We did a couple spins on the dance floor, said hi to a couple friends, then made our way back out to valet.

Of course, the paparazzi and TMZ cameras where eagerly awaiting the departing partygoers. They immediately surrounded Kim. I tried to keep myself out of frame (UGH! It’s too much)!

While standing and waiting for our cars (which took FOREVER) some annoying guy kept bugging Kim and being nasty. My protective instinct came out (It’s not the first time I’ve jumped in the middle of something to protect my friends. I’m the tough cookie! Check out my May 13, 2007 blog) I stepped between them, did a little ranting and sent him stepping. People can be so mean and weird (He was totally just trying to get the cameras to take his pic. UGH!)

We stood there for a good 30 min and still no car! It was as if they were holding Kim’s car on purpose to help out the paparazzi get a story (which they did)! Kim started to complain about the long wait and the fact that they brought the wrong car around. I saw on TMZ the next day that she is a spoiled whiner and whatever. They’ll spin the stories however they want to make it seem scandalous! I for one think its mean! Hopefully Kim’s got a thicker skin than I do and LUCKILY they left me out of the story.

I headed home dreaming of what wild theme I can do for my BIRTHDAY PARTY next year ☺

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Since I grew up mostly in New York and Connecticut the majority of my childhood friends are still on the East Coast. However, two of my high school friends Casey and Kim recently settled in SAN FRANCISCO. I’ve been meaning to visit for months, but for some reason it still seems like a trek from LA (plus its always so cold) so I kept putting it off.

A couple months ago my friend Casey got engaged and 6 weeks ago my friend Kim had her second baby so I thought now was a good time to stop my whining and finally make the trip. The drive is an easy 5 hours, but when I checked online the flights on Virgin America where soooooo cheap! Only $39 each way (Virgin America is FABULOUS)! I rented a car on (I love a good bargain) and just like that the trip was planned (for less money than I would have paid for gas in my gas guzzling Land Rover)!

I flew in Tuesday afternoon and headed out to see Kim and the babies! She lives in a town called Burlingame right outside the city. Burlingame is cute! It reminds me of the East Coast with all of its trees and grass.

Kim and I cruised Burlingame Main Street for a mellow mommy day. We got manicures and pedicures at Pinkies, filled bags of sour gummies and chocolate turtles at the candy store (I ate so much candy I felt sick!) and did a little shopping.

That afternoon, I played instruments with Kim’s son Andrew (he’s almost 2) and snuggled with her new baby Katie (she’s sooo tiny! Just 6 weeks old!) I WANT BABIES SO BAD (My biological clock is ticking seriously loud! Ha ha!)

We ordered Thai food and watched American Idol (Go David Archeletta! He’s my fav!) A mellow night, but perfect break from my party ways ☺. The next morning, we took the doggy for a hike, ate lots of bacon and a little toast (So much for my Zone Diet! Ha ha!) Then, I headed off to the city!

Casey and her fiancĂ© Greg had wedding planning appointments in the morning, so I headed to The Grove (my new favorite coffee shop) in the Marina. I did a bit of writing, chatted with locals and window shopped on Chestnut Street. I got slightly lost on all those damn hilly streets, but finally met Casey and Greg for a late lunch. We had pre-lunch cupcakes at That Takes The Cake (I had a red velvet mini-cupcake that was to die for). I could have eaten 12 of them, but instead we chowed on salads at Rose’s CafĂ©, then hit up Coco Bella for some fancy chocolates (I’m still full!)

Later that afternoon, Casey brought me to Sports Mart, a discount sporting good store (You know, I love a good bargain) where I bought my first pair of spinning shoes (They are white and light blue and very sexy!)

Back at Casey and Greg’s pad, I got settled and showered before we headed out to Jones sports bar to meet some friends of Casey’s. After a couple of beers and apps (Mmmmm…. Fried bar food is FABULOUS), we headed to Balboa restaurant and bar for more cocktails and food. We met up with my friend Kim from LA and Jen, an old friend from the East Coast. Stuffed and tipsy, Casey and I grabbed a cab home around midnight.

The next morning, we woke with hangovers, but dragged our asses to a spinning class anyways. Better to work it out of your system than sit in bed and waste the day (plus I had to try out my new shoes!) I’ve never actually done a full hour spinning class. At YAS (check out my work out blog February 13th, 2008) I only spin for 30 minutes. The extra half hour was not the best idea to try with a hangover! I pedaled my little heart out while trying not to puke all over Greg’s bike right in front of me! (Oh… and everyone was totally jealous of my new sexy spinning shoes for sure!)

After a quick shower and a little rest to recoup, I headed out to meet my new friend Matthew from myspace (I know, I know BUT it was in a public place, people. he he!) for coffee at the Coffee Bean and lunch at a Mediterranean spot on Fillmore street. The weather was amazing (compared to the usual chilly wind in SAN FRAN), the food was ok and my new friend was nice (I’m starting to like San Fran a little more!)

Matthew and I cruised the shops on Fillmore where I picked up an engagement present for Casey and Greg (A white orchid). There was a person dressed in a skunk costume in the window of the Marc Jacobs store(random)! I think it was a ploy to get people to come in and shop. Matthew and I took pics sitting on his lap (so funny!) I bid Matthew farewell with “let’s keep in touch” hug. Then, it was time for a little writing. I went to The Grove on Fillmore (There’s two of these great coffee shops!) and sat outside with my computer. I didn’t get a lot done, but it was nice to sit and enjoy the day.

That night Casey, Greg and I went to meet my old friend Amy (from Junior high) at Spruce for a drink then headed to dinner at Mamacitas (I love Mexican food and Sangria and margaritas, oh my!) with Casey’s friend Jen. I think I may have enjoyed the yummy food too much because I overate and felt sick! We continued to a bar called Le Club, but I could barely breathe in my jeans and felt nauseous (UGH!) so we headed home soon after. Back at the house, I packed up my bags and passed out clutching my full belly.

My flight was early the next morning and I flew over the Golden Gate Bridge (Gorgeous!) I realized that I may be taking a liking to SAN FRANCISCO. This trip was FABULOUS! Good food, great friends and beautiful weather. What else can a girl ask for ☺

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So if you’ve read my blog before you know I love food! I have droned on about my love of fast food (October 10, 2007). I have rattled on and on about the fine dining I enjoy from east to west (February 6, 2008 and November 26, 2007). In every blog I ALWAYS mention what I ate and how much I enjoyed it.

Yes, I work out like a mad woman (I’ve blogged about that too on February 13, 2008). BUT no matter how fast I run or how many pirouettes or squats I do… after a while the big macs, steak dinners and chocolate cakes start catching up with me.

I have gained 10 pounds since November! I know I’m not fat (actually I feel a lot more womanly with some curves), but when none of your clothes (except leggings and sweatpants) fit right anymore, you have to re-access your eating habits. I mean NO ONE wants to see my muffin tops hanging over the back of my jeans! SERIOUSLY!

One day last summer, I was in a mood (not a good one) and I decided to lift my spirits by sunning myself at the Mondrian hotel’s pool (my favorite and ideal summer day includes mimosa’s at the pool). I layed with my eyes closed taking in the Hollywood sun, but the waitress kept buggin me! She informed me that two men across the pool wanted to buy me a drink. I politely declined, but meant “Leave me alone!” She kept coming back!

Finally, I ordered water with a roll of my eyes (I told u I was in a moooooooood)! BUT THEN… I heard the pop of a champagne bottle. The mimosa’s had been poured and I perked up. I love a mimosa by the pool so I finally accepted. I chatted with the men and it turned out these guys where just what I needed to turn my frown upside down (I actually really enjoy a little friendly banter with strangers). They were not trying to get in my pants. They were just being friendly.

Turns out the nice men at the Mondrian pool were the managers / owners of Chef Diets (home delivery meals). I had received a free month certificate in a gift bag once, but never used it. They offered me a trial month and I accepted (you know how I like freebies! Check out February 27, 2008 blog)! At the time, I wasn’t looking to lose weight, so I did the maintaining diet just to get healthy and enjoy the free meals.

Chef Diets is FABULOUS! A bag of food is placed on your doorstep every morning before you wake up. I would wake with visions of sugarplums dancing in my head, rush down stairs in my pjs, swoop up the bag and tear it open to see what treats I had for the day. It’s like Christmas!

The food is fresh, healthy and delicious! I usually don’t eat breakfast or snacks so I love that they give three meals a day as well as two snacks. You’re eating every three hours or so, which is a much better way of maintaining and creating a healthy lifestyle. It's not a crash diet where you regain all the weight the second you stop. It’s eating for life and the food is delicious so you’re never ever hungry!

This time around I am doing the Chef diet's low caloric diet to lose a little weight. I get my three meals and two snacks four days a week. I look forward to fitting back in my jeans and slinky dresses by summer! Leaving days off gives me the freedom to still go out to eat with friends. I try to eat healthy on the other days too, though it’s hard for me to stay away from those damn golden arches! Ha ha!

Wish me luck and eat healthy people!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just got home from another trip to Aspen. Sorry for the delay in blog posts ☺ I’m feelin a little under the weather. UGH! I hate being sick!

I took a couple weeks off from my LA life to teach skiing and play in the snow with friends in ASPEN! The 12-hour drive is killer and working on the mountain everyday and partying every night can wear a girl out! BUT skiing down the slopes on a warm, sunny day with the wind in my hair reminds me of how fortunate I am to live the life that I lead. I get to live at the beach and play in the mountains without a care in the world (well, maybe a couple, but not too many to keep under control)! I have friends to laugh with, family to love and people who believe in me and support me. I’m a lucky girl!

The mountains wake up something inside of me. I think they can be an amazing place to heal, nurture and change people for the better! A couple years ago, I volunteered to teach skiing to inner city children with a FABULOUS program called A GRASS ROOTS ASPEN EXPERIENCE. Not only is it an amazing program that helps thousands of children, it touched and changed me and my ASPEN experience forever!

ASPEN is known for the glitz and glamour. It’s an ultra expensive outdoor playground for the rich and famous (Maria Carey, Will Smith, Kate Hudson and Jack Nicholson are among the many celebs often spotted on the slopes), BUT it is much more than that for these teenagers that are brought to ASPEN each year.

A GRASSROOTS ASPEN EXPERIENCE is a program designed to save lives by empowering young people to make positive choices. At-risk teens from all over the United States come to Aspen learn to ski and snowboard. Each is pushed to step outside their comfort zones with challenging physical activities in a supportive group environment. It is evident that each gets a boost in their self-esteem and their personal development, which hopefully can give each of them the courage and confidence to confront the obstacles they face at home.

Usually, I work with young kids (I teach skiing to 2 - 10 year olds) so I was a bit nervous to work with inner city teens on the mountain. I teach using little people accessible terms (like pizza for a snow plow and french fries for parallel skis), but when I saw how excited they were and that they were more nervousness than I was, I couldn’t help but be open and excited to work with them.

I worked with a young group of girls who hadn’t skied before. I talked pizzas and french fries and they picked it up little by little and laughed while taking in the experience. They got frustrated, but supported each other. They were so open like little sponges soaking in the love and support from everyone on the mountain.

Each evening, the program conducts “rap sessions” where the kids share their stories and struggles from home. For me, this was the most amazing and touching part of the program. All the instructors were invited to listen and participate. I would cry along with the kids (I am a BIG crier) and support them with hugs at the end. The amazing GRASS ROOTS coordinators would help them fight through the pain to find a way to transform their day’s successes on the mountain into confidence and courage to confront their obstacles at home.

Each year, kids who might never have left their troubled neighborhoods confront and conquer their obstacles on the mountain and return home with the confidence, ability and determination to achieve goals they never thought possible.

I for one will never forget my involvement in this FABULOUS program and wish all the best to each of the teens that participate from year to year. A GRASS ROOTS ASPEN EXPERIENCE is a FABULOUS program!

For more information please visit