Question from Dick Ketler:
Who are some of the people that have inspired you and for what reasons?
Your Mom does not count on this one.
I’m inspired by people who are passionate… People who work hard and follow their dreams. Yes, my mom falls into this category, but lots of people do. I am inspired by Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and President Obama for fighting for change even when it seemed (seems) impossible. I am inspired by the empire Oprah has created. I am inspired by my friend and business partner Mary Giuliani who has created a thriving company from just a good idea and some passion. I inspired by my brothers’ and sisters’ talent and perseverance. I am inspired by my nephew who is amazing and the smartest baby I have ever met. Every day, I am inspired by people who work hard and follow their dreams be them big or small and that is what keeps me going even when I’m feeling defeated or down.
Question from Ruth:
You spent most of your growing up years on the East Coast. You've spent the last several years living on the West Coast. Where do you consider home to be? What do you miss when you're away from New York? And (funnily) what do you miss when you spend time away from LA?
Growing up we lived in New York City, Connecticut and all over Europe, but I’ve always considered myself a California Girl at heart. I was actually born here in Los Angeles. My mom moved us to NYC while shooting the Wiz (I was about 2), but we would spend every summer here and I fell in love with the beach and the weather. As an adult, I also appreciate how you can go from glitzy Hollywood diva to laid-back beach girl all in one day. But, that being said… I still consider both home. The West Coast is my grown up home and when I’m away I miss my beautiful house, the weather and my dogs (who I rarely travel with). The East Coast is my childhood home and when I’m away I miss my childhood friends, the safety and comfort of sleeping in the bedroom I grew up in and the change of seasons. I love both LA and NYC and I am lucky to be able to be able to spend time in both amazing cities.
Question from Ellen in Chicago:
I never see you mention your father. Just wondering how he's doing & how often you see him? I know I've always taken a special interest in your dad, being Jewish myself & of course your dad being Jewish as well. Has Judaism had much influence in your life?
I was raised mostly by my mother, but I have always had a close relationship with my father as well. My dad is a kind, funny, charismatic man and I think I definitely got my humor from him… oh and I also got bad eyes and weird toes from him, too. He and my mother have always kept a close friendship and so it was easy to spend time together. Growing up, we would spend weekends at his house and he always shared holidays and even vacations with the family. He lives on the East Coast now, so as an adult I don’t see him as often, but we stay in touch by phone and email. Both Tracee and I have done some research into Judaism to try to embrace that side of our heritage, but my father doesn’t really practice anymore and so it was never a large part of our lives. I have participated in a Passover Seder, more than one Barmitsfa and I know the Hanukah prayer and how to spin a dreidel.
More questions from JACE CARTER:
What are some of things you would like to accomplish while you are still here on earth, besides the publication of your books?
My writing is just one very small part of who I am. I’m in the process of starting a business called Books and Cookies (more information coming soon), which I am very excited about. I look forward to running a successful business hopefully on both coasts (locations in NYC and LA). I also definitely want to have a family with multiple children, both my own and adopted. I truly think I was put on this planet to make babies. Of course, I also want to continue my charity work and leave a positive legacy when I leave this earth.
Are you spiritual?
Yes, I’m very spiritual and I truly believe in a higher power. I am not religious though. My family never practiced organized religion, but in college (I went to Georgetown, which is a Jesuit institution) it was mandatory to take a class called, The Problem of God. This class helped me to explore many different ways of thinking, which opened my eyes to the beauty of spirituality. Even though I don’t subscribe to one religion, I definitely have found my own way to embrace spirituality and prayer.
What is your favorite Diana Ross song? Why?
I don’t think I have one favorite. I know and love all of my mom’s songs, but some that stick out are Ease on Down (which always lifts me up), Muscles (because the lyrics and video are hysterical), Love Hangover (because I have fond memories of mom on The Muppet Show), Family Tree (which I remember my mom singing in Central Park), Last Time I saw Him (my go to Karaoke song) and Amazing Grace (always seems to make me cry).
What is your favorite color? Why?
I don’t think I really have a favorite color, but I love pink and green and black. I think I look good in green. It’s a cool bright color without being too loud or too much. I like Pink because I’m a girly girl, but I rarely wear anything pink. I always just wear black. It is flattering and I feel comfortable accessorizing when I’m in black. Today, I am wearing all black with florescent pink nails!
I am so happy to have received some more reader profiles and questions so…