Wednesday, April 21, 2010


One of my FABULOUS readers, Mark had some great ideas for my blog and how I could get you guys involved. Here are two awesome ideas that I am extremely excited about. Please submit!

1. Ask and I will tell!

It’s your turn to interview me. Email your questions and I will do a blog full of all the answers. Please know I will be honest and open (as I always try to be), BUT I will not answer anything inappropriate, rude, ultra private or about my mother’s or siblings personal life (A quick reminder: This is Chudney Ross’s blog not a sneak peek into the Ross family’s personal life blog).

Email questions to:

2. Meet my readers!

Mark has met and become friends with many other readers of my blog just by finding them here and then on myspace. I believe Gene and Ruth have done the same (anyone else?) I appreciate that many of you tune in weekly to see what I have been up to and post thoughtful comments. I know I would love to know more about you and I’m sure other readers would, too!

Please submit a photo and tell us about yourself. Some questions to ponder: How did you stumble across my blog? What brings you back every week? Who are you? When is your birthday? What is your sign? Favorite color, food, season? How would a friend describe you? What in life makes you happy? What would you do if anything were possible? What is your proudest moment? What is your favorite Diana Ross song? (A fun one to add in for all you mom fans) If you would like you can also include a link to your website, blog, myspace, facebook or twitter so people can reach out to you.

Please send your pictures and profiles to:

I think these ideas are FABULOUS and will really add to the fun of my blog! Thank you, Mark for your ideas! Start submitting now and spread the word!


Mark said...

Hey Chudney,

Thank you for all of the shout outs, kind words, and for using my ideas in your blog!!!! I really appreciate that!!!! You are the BEST!!!! I mean it!

I am really excited about this project and look forward to reading everyone's profiles and questions for you. I am also looking forward to reading your responses to these questions and to see how you will entertain some of them.

My intention is for all of this to be fun, and it is a great way for us (your readers) to be involved in your blog! You have so many talented readers that tune in each week and leave so many wonderful, positive comments, and I think this a great way for all of us to get to know each other a little better. I hope that this project turns out to be a success for you!

Thanks again for using my ideas and for all of the work that you put into this site / blog each week!! It is really FABULOUS, and that is why I tune in each week!

I will be in touch soon. I have to get busy writing!

Your friend,

Mark :)

P.S. Chudney, is there a certain date that you want the questions and profiles to be submitted by or will you just address them as they come in? Thank you.

Rosser Ruth! lol said...

Hope my zest comes back soon...

Dear Chudney and all the regulars,

Just loving your blog and comments as always. It's been a very trying time for me recently with so much going on at home, which is why my comments have been few recently. I'm still checkin' in tho' when I can and hope to be "participating" on Mark's wonderful ideas :) This is a great place to be! Chudney, your blogs are so positive and interesting...and your regulars seem to be truly nice people...thanks especially to Chudney and thanks also to her regulars. I'll be "seeing" you soon :)

Love Ruth xxx

p.s. If anyone wishes to say a wee prayer for my sick brother, it'd mean a lot <3 (and for a special friend too).

ethel said...

hi Chudney! Like you said it's a fab idea fr. your friend/reader Mark, coz there'll be an interaction w/ the readers & you'll get to know them. It's hard when you don't have any idea who you're communicating with. That's why when using the net, i just connect with those i know. Except on this site since i was able to read about you first & i came to like your blogs since they are a worthwhile read, a proactive site, you do things to improve yourself & care for people's lives instead of being the problem, : ).

Hanna said...

Chudney! You must be one of the funniest persons alive!

I recently came across your blog and found it fabulous. Being a swedish girl I feel kind of isolated from the Hollywood glam but your social butterfly activities give me a sneak peak of your world.
Love the combination of glam and serious stuff.
Please keep up the good work, and btw, you are an awsome writer.


Anonymous said...

I like to say to Mark that this was the best idea ever. I agree this should be a good way for all of us to get to know each other. Because all of us do have one thing in common that is we all love Chudney and her blogs. This will also give Chudney a chance to know her fans personally as well. I am looking forward to get to know you all. Lena!!!!

Sharon Jacobucci said...

Gosh, I am just now getting this information and hope I'm not too late joining in all the excitement from participating.. Thanks, Mark. :D I will get right on it, Chudney. Hello to everyone out there.

Rosser Ruth, I am praying for your bother and friend.. Keeping them both in my thoughts and prayers.