Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Mark said...

Hey Chudney,

I enjoyed seeing this video again, and it fits in very nicely with your last blog topic! "Heal the World" - what a wonderful idea!

I really like how you have been exploring major themes over the past few months and have had a number of blog entries related to each topic! You are very creative and your transitions are done extremely well to tie everything together perfectly! I can also tell that you put a lot of time and effort into your blogs and do the necessary research that is needed to support each theme/topic. These are excellent skills of a great producer and reporter (which you are)! All of these elements make your blog FABULOUS!! I will give you an A++++ for these blog topics!

Thanks again for all that you do with this site and for all of the wonderful work that you do to help so many people in need. You are truly doing your part to, "Heal the World". I am always so impressed with all of the wonderful things that you do! Keep up the great work!

You are the BEST (I mean it)!!

Your friend,

Mark :)

Anonymous said...

I misses Michael so much because he did so much for so many people in this world. I feel now that he is gone it is our duty to keep him alive by achieving what he has been working on so long. Helping all children across this world. If we all pull together as the brothers and sisters we suppose to be this would be a better world. Very important topic for this week blog Chudney I hope it open anyone eyes that watch it. I hope it encourage them to make a change. Thank You Lena!!!!!

Andrew said...

There are so many opportunities to share ourselves to make this world a better place. Its only through action that we can heal the world. This is got me thinking I can do more. Yes it was an exhausting day at the hospital I work at but bottom line I get paid for this work. I am going to seek out opportunities to share my knowledge and experience to help make the world a better place. I am a nice person but I can be nicer. I can do more. I am healthy and energetic. I like to make people smile. I love to share. I am willing to learn. I know you all know what I mean. Talk to you soon. Andrew

Love Child said...

You must listent The Earth Song--truly chilling. A long, long way from "Rock with You" on the Diana TV Special in '79. Check it out on You Tube.

ethel said...

Gosh, i suddenly remembered Michael and his sweet voice! makes me wanna cry, :(

God created the heavens and the earth and we are His masterpiece. He placed us here to be managers not owners of His creation(Gen. 1:26). We should be good stewards of the blessings He entrusted to us.

Stay fabulous as always!

Sharon Jacobucci said...

Girl, we could certainly use a whole lot of healing in this great big world of ours. :D