“The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicolas soon would be there…” -Night Before Christmas
Hope this holiday season brought you a sleigh full of love and laughter, health and happiness!
Happy Holidays! Chudney, Brody and Peanut
Hey Chudney,
Thanks for your holiday wishes! I hope that you and your family also enjoyed the holidays and that you were able to spend some time with your new nephew! It must have been nice to have a first Christmas with him. I hope that Santa was good to you. (What a great photo!)
By the way, I liked the quote from the "Night Before Christmas". It was the perfect touch to this week's blog update! I also thought it was a very clever way how you phrased your holiday wishes to us with a "Sleigh full of love and laughter, health and happiness!". Very creative! I also liked when you wrote "Closed for the Holidays" last year. Again, very clever. You have a great talent with words, and that is one of the things (there are many, many reasons) that make your blog so enjoyable to read each week!
Anyway, thanks again for your holiday wishes and all that you do with this site!
What wonderful holiday I had. I hope you had a wonderful holiday as well. Girl don't it feel good to have someone very special to share it with. You always had your friends and family. Now the puzzle is finish with your boyfriend and career to look forward to. I wish you all the best and I hope we can remain friends forever. BYe Chudney I will miss your blogs they really made me feel so close to you. Take care of yourself. Signing out LENA!!!!
I’m a girl who likes to enjoy the good things in life / a pleasure seeker above all else. If is doesn’t make me smile, feel joy or laugh till my stomachaches, what’s the point? I’m not talking expensive; drain the bank account type things (I’m a bit of a frugal fanny… some may even call me a cheapskate). Sitting on a blanket with the man you love, drinking a bottle of Two Buck Chuck while watching sunset over the ocean cost barely anything and can bring as much joy (or at least ALMOST as much) as a new Prada purse… And I can tell you for sure a BIG MAC does bring as much happiness as a meal at Mr. Chows!
In this blog, I’m gonna share things, experiences, people, places that bring me joy, things that I think are FABULOUS! Its gonna be fully me (My FABULOUS VOICE) commenting on everything from beauty, fashion, hot spots, travel, charity, music, what ever.
Some people may still think my blog content is shallow or misguided and some may find it too serious and less of a party than the last, but I can promise you this… it will always be fun and it will always be FABULOUS (… and it will never be negative or mean spirited or vengeful)!
So everyone…. Let’s enjoy life and rock out with our FABULOUS selves.
I know there are a lot of negative blogs out there (including ones that say nasty things about me, my family and my friends). I think they are terrible and hurtful.
I am just writing a fun blog that doesn't put anyone down. It's all supposed to be fun and in good humor.
If you enjoy it... come back and check it out often! If not read other blogs! There are like a million out there.
Hey Chudney,
Thanks for your holiday wishes! I hope that you and your family also enjoyed the holidays and that you were able to spend some time with your new nephew! It must have been nice to have a first Christmas with him. I hope that Santa was good to you. (What a great photo!)
By the way, I liked the quote from the "Night Before Christmas". It was the perfect touch to this week's blog update! I also thought it was a very clever way how you phrased your holiday wishes to us with a "Sleigh full of love and laughter, health and happiness!". Very creative! I also liked when you wrote "Closed for the Holidays" last year. Again, very clever. You have a great talent with words, and that is one of the things (there are many, many reasons) that make your blog so enjoyable to read each week!
Anyway, thanks again for your holiday wishes and all that you do with this site!
All the best,
What wonderful holiday I had. I hope you had a wonderful holiday as well. Girl don't it feel good to have someone very special to share it with. You always had your friends and family. Now the puzzle is finish with your boyfriend and career to look forward to. I wish you all the best and I hope we can remain friends forever. BYe Chudney I will miss your blogs they really made me feel so close to you. Take care of yourself. Signing out LENA!!!!
Really cute picture with the jolly old Santa... He's kind of cute, too..
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