Chudney Ross opens up about her childhood, dreams, and what it's like when her mother, superstar Diana Ross, gets together with her dogs.
By Dustin Fitzharris
Photo by Sharon Montrose - www.sharonmontrose.comThere are many ways to describe Chudney Ross. She’s a writer and a model. A teacher and an artist. She just proves you can almost have it all. But when your mom is the legendary Diana Ross, you learn early in life that if you want something badly enough, there ain’t no mountain high enough—to prevent you from achieving.
When Ross, 34, isn’t in front of the camera or at her computer writing in Los Angeles, she’s on the beach with Peanut, her 8-year-old Silky Terrier, and Brody, her 2-year-old Woodle. When talking about her little ones, Ross says Peanut likes watching television and taking long walks on the beach. Brody, on the other hand, is a bundle of energy and enjoys harassing Peanut and eating everything in sight, including Ross’ unmentionables.
Ross’ love for animals started at a young age and has only grown stronger. Her devotion has led her to work with various charities, including Much Love Animal Rescue (MuchLove.org), which is dedicated to reducing overpopulation, abuse, and neglect of domestic animals.
When Tails caught up with Ross, she was eager to talk about her doggies, but had her hands full, stuggling to keep Brody off of her computer!
How old was Peanut when you first got him?
He was five weeks old. I'm sad to say I got him at a pet store. I know it’s not the best way to get a dog, but he was just this tiny little thing who needed to go home with somebody, and in Colorado it’s very rare to find a small dog. Everywhere I went there were just big dogs, and I wanted a small one. Then when I looked at him, there was no way you couldn’t love this little thing. He fit in the palm of my hand.
What was it about Peanut that you fell in love with?
He was the runt of the litter, and he was the last one left. Everyone was like, “Oh, he’s a little off and strange,” but I fell in love with him instantly. He was 1.2 pounds, greasy, and looked like a rat, but we just fell in love instantly.
You got Brody in May. Tell me about him.
He came with lots of issues. The friend of mine who had him couldn’t control him. She was going to give him to the pound because she didn’t know what else to do with him. I’ve always wanted two dogs, but I took him with the thought that at least I could find him another [guardian] before dropping him off at the pound. He’s a bit aggressive with other dogs, and I knew this would be the first dog put down at the pound, and I couldn’t put that on my conscience.
What was the first thing you did with Brody?
Sign up for a training course!
His name was originally Rowdy. How did he become Brody?
My friend named him Rowdy. Maybe it’s just an L.A. thing, but one of the big things the trainer said was that [the name] Rowdy comes with a negative connotation. He suggested that we turn that around and give him a positive name. Before we started the training, I took a week and tried out different names to see what he responded to. It was between Brody and Billy, but my roommate at the time had negative thoughts about the name Billy—an ex-boyfriend thing.
Didn’t all those different names confuse him?
Probably. But he was young. He’s fine. He’s been a handful, but a good addition to our home.
Do Peanut and Brody get along?
You know, that was my hope with having two dogs, but I think it’s hard to have a dog for eight years and then bring another dog into the household who is a puppy and has a lot of energy. Plus, Brody is much bigger. He’s 25 pounds, and Peanut is about 10. No, they don’t get along that well. There was some fighting in the beginning, but we’ve settled in, and I think while I’m sleeping they snuggle up together. I think they like each other more than they let on. Brody wants to play all the time, and Peanut just wants to lie there and be fabulous.
Do you remember your first pet?
I named my first dog Popcorn. It’s strange, but I guess I name all my dogs after food! Anyway, he was a Maltese. My mom had a Maltese growing up, and she had all of these paintings of her with this white dog. So I always wanted one. For Christmas when maybe I was seven or eight I got Popcorn, and he was my dog. My sisters had dogs as well. My mom still has dogs who were my brothers, but now they’re in my mom’s care. So we’ve always had lots of animals in our lives, and we’ve traveled with them. Brody has been a little bit of a challenge to travel with, but it’s always been very important to our family to have animals.
How is your mom, who is known to the world as this glamorous diva, with dogs?
She loves them. She has two dogs, and she watches Peanut on occasion when I’m out of town. She has this strange thing where she’ll actually carry on a conversation with him. He makes these noises, and my mom really likes trying to figure out what he’s saying. She’ll sit there and have a full conversation with him. She’s great with animals.
What kind of dogs does your mom have?
Two Golden Retrievers. They were my brother’s dogs. They’re quite old now.
How did Peanut get to star on Ugly Betty?
We worked with the Le Paws Agency. I guess we’re still with the agency, but we don’t get sent out that much. You need to do a lot of training. At the time, I had a lot of time to keep up with the training, but it’s expensive. It was fun, and it was definitely a nice bonding experience. We booked Ugly Betty, so that’s Peanut’s big claim to fame. I love it because it’s there on YouTube, and it’s hysterical to me that that’s my dog sitting there with Betty White, who was a guest star. But no, we didn’t have a long, lucrative career with Peanut.
Were you a stage mom?
(Laughing) I wasn’t as bad as some people, but when we did go in for our interview we went wearing matching T-shirts. I thought I was wild, but there were some people in our classes who were way more out there than I could ever be.
Speaking of stage moms, what’s been the best thing about having Diana Ross as a mom?
It’s all I know. It just seems normal to me. She’s always been very supportive in anything my siblings and I do. She really pushes us to follow our dreams and tells us that anything is possible if you work hard. We definitely learned a good work ethic. We’re all lucky and enjoy our lives, but we do all work hard, and we learned that from our mother.
Your sister, Rhonda, just had a baby. What’s it like being an aunt?
I was lucky enough to be there when my sister gave birth. I got to hold him when he was just 10 minutes old. I’ve been around a lot of babies, but not babies like that. To continue to watch him grow will be just an amazing experience. I look forward to having my own children in the future.
You currently have a contract with Harper Collins and are writing a series of books for readers between the ages of 7 and 12. How did that come about?
I fell into it. I was an elementary school teacher when I first graduated from college. I did Teach for America [an organization that recruits recent college graduates and places them in urban and rural public schools]. After I finished my two-year commitment, I substituted. Then I worked on a children’s film as a production assistant. From there I just started working in television and learning all about that. In the process of pitching ideas, this book kind of came out of nowhere. Then all of a sudden I was a writer. So as much as I say I want to be in the entertainment business, I keep going back to children and education because that’s where my heart is. I think it’s my calling.
What advice would you give to people who are considering getting a dog?
Do a lot of research. Don’t just go with what’s cute. Put some thought into it. A lot of people just go and say “Oh, he’s so cute,” and then they get home and realize they aren’t ready to be a dog [guardian].
What are you the most proud of?
I’m the most proud of the woman I’ve become. I was extremely shy and introverted growing up, and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life or where I wanted to be. It’s a hard place to be when you’re in a state of confusion, but I feel like I’m a good person. I have a good heart, and I’m doing the things I love.
Excellent article! Enjoyed reading about you, Peanut & ROWDY. As you know I still have issues with his name change!:=)LOL! My two wonderful addopted dogs and the three before them were all addopted. they actually found me. Unfortunately in sunny California, there are so many strays, that you can just tell when they're in distress. So i'm kindda known around my neighborhood as the rescue dogs person. Glad to see your writing is also coming along FABULOUSLY. Thanks for this week blog! It was FABULOUS! Gene
Hi Chudney....so glad to know you're ok! We've been rather worried about you! Just a quick hello to say how much I absolutely loved this blog....snatched a few minutes before bed to check-in. Will be back soon to comment...but gotta get shut eye now.
Please don't make us worry so long again :(
Best wishes,
Ruth xxx
Glad you had fun in Maui. Tell us more about the mysterious man in the video! Chudney--we never read or hear anything about your Dad. Care to share? I remember the People Mag cover from the 70's with your Mom and Dad on it.
Hi Chudney,
Wow, two posts in one week (hurray)! I really enjoyed reading this article, and I must say that it is fabulous! It is always fun to read about Peanut and Brody. I am glad that Brody has gotten a little better for you! I have always known that your family has had animals over the years, and this is so nice. It was great that you were always able to travel with them. Pets really become a part of the family, and they depend on us to be there for them. It was great reading about Popcorn. You are always so creative naming your pets! It was also great advice that you gave the readers on how important it is to do the research BEFORE you buy an animal. I think if people take the time to do this, we might not have so many animals in the pounds and being put down (so very sad!).
Speaking of your mother, it is funny how she carries on a conversation with the dogs, but I must admit, we do the same thing in my family, too. It is so nice hearing that she has two golden retrievers. They are such nice dogs (so very lovable and playful animals). We have a golden retriever, and he is so smart (his name is Charlie). I really think he thinks he is a person, and he wants to be involved with every aspect of our lives, so it is easy to have a conversation with him, and you know what, I know he understands us, too. It might sound crazy, but it is true. He wants to know everything that we are doing. He is always the first one to check and see what is inside of the grocery bags and the first one to enter the kitchen when he hears tin foil, the refrigerator door opening, or the microwave beeping off wherever he may be in the house. He is really amazing (I am sure that we all feel the same way about our pets). He is nine years old now, and I can see that he is starting to get older now, but he is still my little (or shall I say my big) puppy. He is really my buddy, and we also travel with him (as soon as he goes in the car, he will sleep until we reach our destination, and the second we get off the highway, he knows when we are there). He is such a good boy. Anyway, this is enough about my dog. I'll end this by saying that our pets are fabulous! I am sure that Peanut & Brody are amazing dogs too, and they bring you so much joy and happiness.
Thanks again for sharing this great article with us, and I am so happy that you are back posting again! Good luck with your books! I can't wait to read them. I know they are going to be fabulous!!!! Have a great weekend!
All the best,
Hiya Gene :)
Another fav blog Chudney! Probably my fav yet! I LOVE pets. I have 6 pets.. A Japanese Akita dog called SUKI, black cat called Patch and 4 bunnies which i am not giving you the names of LOL. Both of your dogs look lovely, peanuts so cute! Golden Retrievers are lovely dogs too. If i was to get another dog it would be a Golden Retriever, always loved them dogs.
Thanks again for sharing. We all love checking in on here on a Wednesday :) Aunt Ruth and I met Gene for first time in October at your mom's show in Holland so had a wee chat about you and your blogs and how much we all enjoy reading :) Was great being able to put a face to a name. Such a great guy!
Hope you're well and c ya next wednesday!
Love Sarah xxx
Hey Chudney I know this is off topic but I remeber reading one of your blogs and you said that you have read "The Coldest Winter Ever" by Sista Souljah. I want to know have you read her latest called "Midnight"? If you haven't boy you are in for a treat. She did it again! It was like "Whoa". I never ask for a response but please respond to this post if you have or have not read the book.
Sitting at work on the beach freezing my butt
off but so glad I took time out to read that beautiful
interesting articles about your lovely dogs.
You sure do have a lot of love in your heart. Brody and
Peanut are blessed because you're their special
angel. Such an awesome experience being able to catch
up to the blogs because you haven't updated MySpace
yet. I will catch your trip to HI when I get home
this evening. Can't wait to hear about it. Reading about beautiful places can cure any blues. Thanks Chudney for taking the time to keep me and everyone here fascinated by your amazing adventures. I have to get back to writing tickets. Love you
Hi Chudney and all of the regular readers,
I forgot to attach this YouTube video with my post. It is about a man with his dancing dog. It is really amazing (I wish that I could get my dog to do that!). As I said in my last post, our pets are fabulous.
Here is the link for it:
Missing you on Myspace :(
She's okay ??????
She's okay ??????
She's okay ??????
She's okay ??????
She's okay ??????
She's okay ??????
She's okay ???????????????????????????????
Hi Chudney, how are you?
I was passing by your blog thus I made a search and used google translator to understand what the guy named Arthur**** wrote in here... It seems to be poland language but unfair and actually not really nice words from my opinion.
ps: this current msg is just to give you the info, not to be published; so feel free to delete it.
Lots of love!
Thank you. I translated those comments.... then DELETED! No need for nasty words here :) Happy Holidays!
Dear Chudney;
I have some catching up to do...
just returned from New York City...
buying Fall 2010 footwear...
caught the lighting of the tree...
[that's another story]....
The Holidays are soon upon us...
whatever you celebrate...
wanted to send my warm wishes...
before it's much too late...
Yes!!!another year soon over...
and may I also mention....
it is a time to remember...
a Special time for reflection...
our Family and Friends...
are all the gifts we need...
anything beyond that...
well to me...is just greed...[okay....maybe a PC]...
our health is a truly amazing gift...
given to us with LOVE...
YES...it has been heaven sent...
from the Dear Lord up above...
as you celebrate the Holidays...
with Family and Friends...
here's wishing that the Love you share...
never...ever ends...
the feelings that you feel now...
keep them close throughout the year...
may they always warm your heart...
may you always hold them dear...
it is time to reflect on our lives...
where we are...where we are meant to be...
to forgive...to be forgiven...
and for new beginnings...
it is a time to reflect fondly....
on those we have loved and lost...
those so dear to our hearts...
that shall NEVER be forgot...
as you rush through the holidays...
wrapping presents.. making lists...
take some time to remember....
the true meaning of all of this...
more importantly...make some time...
to be with those that you adore...
simply because Miss Chudney...
may you have a FABULOUS ONE!!!!
Love, and warm wishes
P.S. Healthy ...Happy...Holidays...to all the wonderful people who tune in to your blog weekly!!!!
Sending you warm hugs and wishes this holiday season! Best, Gene
Hi Chudney, glad that you deleted those nasty comments, sorry I didn't introduce myself... I prefer to keep secret. Cause some people already know me as the Diana Ross italian fan through my channels on YTube lol :) and to be honest I don't want to use your blog as a platform to promote my tribute project, even though you are concerned by the Diana Ross' legacy.
You have yourself your own personality, and your own brightness and this is your personal place. I pay respect to you and I appreciate your human being.
Please check this link if you please, it's an amazing and inspirational desktop background, and it's only for selected close friends. This is the right time for this little gift :)
also the "Italian Fan" has moved now to a new "FABULOUS" landing page:
http://dianaross.awardspace.com ...there is also some words dedicated to your family there.
But this time SERIOUSLY, please, please, don't publish this current comment :) thank you.
Lots of Love and happy holidays!
Sincerely, Giacomo
Hi Chudney,
I just wanted to wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a Fabulous 2010!!!! I hope that Santa is good to you!! Enjoy this wonderful time of the year!!
Hope all is well with you! Thanks again for all that you do with your blog! It is always so much fun to read!
All the best,
Dear Chudney;
Chrismas is forever....
not just one day each year...
we ought to spread JOY and LOVE....
everyday throughout the year....
not something that should be saved....
for loved ones in Decemeber...
everyday should be Christmas...
every moment...a moment to remember...
Chrismas is forever...
and if the world were mine to rule...
I would banish all hunger and hatred...
that is precisely what I would do...
there would be NO MORE WAR!!!!
that simply would NOT exist...
what a FABULOUS world this would be...
if I could just have this one wish...
Christmas is forever...
no need to get prepared...
for all we need is LOVE....
wih plenty... for all to share...
I would not ask for more...
if this wish could come true...
to treasure each day with loved ones...
Greetings from Iceland
Don´t let nasty comments upset you, me and my family had a dog once and we talk to her a lot like she was human, I always talk to the animals. It was fun blog. Marry christmas and enjoy the new year
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life !!!
Dear Chudney;
For all the regular readers...
for the Ross's and The Kendrick's...
all the best in the New Year...
Health and Happiness...
Hi Chudney,
I just wanted to wish you, your family, and all of the regular blog readers a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope 2010 is fabulous!!!!
All the best,
I don't think she's ever comin back. So Sad.
What is going on? Somebody please tell me what this is all about?
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