As many of you may have heard, I was involved in a car accident in Malibu a little over a week ago. Though THE ACCIDENT itself was far from FABULOUS, the love and support from my family, friends, myspace friends and blog readers has been FABULOUS! I wanted to thank you all for your kind words and support.
It was scary to see the pictures on the Internet and the video on TMZ (It looked really bad!), but I wanted to let you all know that I’m doing fine and just very grateful that everyone involved is OK as well. Here is what happened:
My friend Caroline invited me to a party at the Boost Mobile House in Malibu for the premiere party of the movie, House Bunny where she was DJing. She said she would bring me a bathing suit from her new line. You know, I love a good party (a beach party is the BEST)! And with free stuff too, how could I refuse?
After lunch, my friend Samantha and I drove down the Pacific Coast Highway to the party. It was way further than I thought (past Zuma) and with traffic it seemed to take forever. But we finally arrived, parked in the lot across the street and were shuttled by van over to the party.
The Boost Mobile House is an amazing palatial mansion with a huge yard, basketball courts and a pool over looking the ocean. They had tents set up giving free makeovers and piles of free tank tops, flip-flops and beauty products. It could have been a lot of fun, but there weren’t a lot of people there (guess, its too far to drive from Hollywood), so it was kind of boring. Sam and I dipped our feet in the pool, rocked out to Caroline’s tunes, ate the most yummy Mac & Cheese with bacon and made the most of it (I mean, we had just driven over and hour to get here).
Eventually, we decided that it would be more fun to head to Manhattan Beach where our friend Kim was playing in the 6-man volleyball tournament. We collected some free stuff (Garnier Fructisse face lotions, makeup remover wipes, under eye rollers, hair products and our new Caroline D’amore bathing suits which are so sexy) and headed out.
We took the shuttle back to the parking area and hopped back in my car. We buckled up (It’s safe its easy and it’s the law) and pulled out. I thought first about making a right turn going north and then doing a u-turn to head back south, but as I looked both ways I saw that there was no one coming, so I pulled out. A red car flew towards us from behind a big green bushy outcropping on the edge of the road. It happened so fast, yet it seemed almost to be in slow motion. The moment I saw the car (people drive SO fast on the PCH), I knew we were going to get hit. I screamed as I slammed on the gas. I could see the other driver’s face, as it got closer to my side of the car. Sam and I braced ourselves for the impact.
They hit us hard. We flew up onto two wheels and by some grace of God we did not flip. As we slammed back down to the ground, I couldn’t stop screaming. I touched my legs and arms and thankfully they were all attached. Sam was fine too and tried to calm me enough so that I would stop the car, which was still rolling. The brake was pushed under the crumpled side of the car, so I pulled the hand brake and we were able to climb out of the door on Sam’s side. The other driver was walking around and his girlfriend was complaining of chest pains from the airbags, but both were alive and doing OK.
Soon the ambulances came and put everyone in neck braces as a precaution. The police arrived next and began taking statements. The police officer yelled and shined a light in my eyes (He was so mean. Isn’t it supposed to be innocent until proven guilty?). I had NOT been drinking and so he finally left me alone. I called my mom, sister and brothers and told them what happened, that I was ok and to meet me at the hospital. The EMTs strapped Sam and I onto backboards and shuffled us into the ambulance. I never saw those TMZ cameras, but I later saw the video. TMZ never seems to miss a beat. They are everywhere.
Sam and I arrived at the hospital and were brought into exam rooms. My mom, my sister Tracee, my brothers Ross and Evan, my Uncle Chico and my cousins Zen and Kai where all there already (My family is seriously supportive). Tracee and Evan sat with Sam in her room till her parents arrived and mom waited with me.
The doctor examined me, x-rayed my chest (My ribs hurt, but they we’re not broken) and CT scanned my head (I had a huge bump on the top and side). With a slight concussion and a bunch of bruises, I was finally sent home. Sam had whiplash, but was looking good too. I returned to my mom’s house for the night, so she could keep and eye on me.
Sunday, I returned home feeling surprisingly fine. I cleaned the house (my way of dealing with stress) and watched a lot of TV. Monday morning, I woke with the spins and nausea. Tracee came by to take me to lunch and I was stumbling and severely dizzy, so she brought me back to the hospital. After hours and hours sitting and waiting to see the doctor (I watched the whole Teen Choice Awards on TV), they finally told me this was normal post concussive behavior. They gave me medication for the nausea and sent me on my way.
Being dizzy sucks! My body was feeling fine (all better) but when you’re dizzy and can’t walk straight, you don’t make it too far off the couch. Friday, I went to follow up with a neurologist who found out why I’m dizzy. Something called BPPV! Basically, everyone has calcium deposits in their inner ear. When you have head trauma (or if you are old or sometimes for no good reason at all) they can become dislodged from their compartments. They are heavy and as they move around in the fluid in you inner ear, they mess with the neurons and send messages to your brain that are confusing (giving you vertigo or dizziness). They can eventually find their way back to their compartments on their own, but you can also see a balance disorder therapist and he can fix it in one visit. That’s just what I did!
The doctor rolled me around for a good 35 minutes trying to get the calcium deposits back into their compartments. It’s like that game that kids play where you roll the little silver ball around and try to get it into the slot. All this movement made me extremely nauseas and dizzy, but then I was cured. I left feeling a little yucky with a headache, but the next day… ALL BETTER!
I feel so fortunate to be fine after such a scary ordeal, but most of all I am grateful for all the love and support. My family and friends are FABULOUS!
OMG Chudney,
Thank goodness you and everyone involved was okay, considering the car images. You must had been petrified. My heartfelt good wishes to you and Sam as well as the other in the accident. Your family only cement what is legend about you guys by now, If one looked up the listed definition of family, your family would be the under example. Your lovely Mother, sisters and brothers and your entire extended family, is the what most family stride for. It really does the heart good, to see such a strong family bond. Stay healthy! Only lots of good thoughts and wishes, I'm sending to you and your family. I have three cars, but stopped driving around five years ago. It's just so scary out there now days. My partner does all the driving these days, otherwise I take Metro red or blue line. It make me feel just a little safer! Boy I remembered when I was your age, I drove a fiat and a motorcycle. Can't picture myself ever doing it now LOL! Best always-Gene. P.s. On the lighter side, I guess it was a good thing, I decided not to live vicariously through you last week huh? Haha! Just kidding. Cheers
I am glad you are doing okay. i was a little surprise what of your dad was he informed. i know your family have been supportive just wondered. get strong.
Chudney...first of all let's just say that we are all so glad it wasn't any worse than it was. You're a lucky, lucky girl and the others too. Thank God. It's a strange the end of the day we're strangers here, but it's kinda like the situation with your mum. She has shared so much of her life publicly and for those of us who have watched her go through her ups and downs over the years and enjoyed her shows for as long as we have it's just a natural reaction to care. Although we're strangers to her and she can't possible know our stories, we get to feel like we know we care. We really do. It's the same here. We follow your progress in life and for some of us we have watched you grow from that little shy cutie singing "Reach Out And Touch" with mummy at Caesars Palace to this beautiful, confident young lady who shares her weekly stories with us. So we feel like we know you you see, it's not so odd to find so many people caring about your well being. We're glad you're ok!
Wow! I'm happy to hear everyone involved was ok! I watched an accident similar to that happen a few months ago, and it's just like you said. As one car slammed into the other, and they flew towards me, it happened at lightning speed, and yet it seemed in slow motion too.
I can certainly relate to ear problems too. I haven't had what you described, but I've had tubes in my ears, perforated eardrums, and countless ear infections. No fun!
Take care, Chudney! Have a great weekend!
Hello Chudney;
So pleased to know that you...
are more than just alright...
it was for family ..and friends...
a positively frightening sight...
watching what happened on t.v.
worse watch it unfold on TMZ..
I swear those guys are everywhere..
in places they should... NOT BE!!
to hear that you are okay..
we all breathed a sigh of relief..
knowing that all involved...
there were no serious injuries..
we take so much for granted...
when in life there are two things..
our health... and family....
all the joy and love they bring...
an instant can change our lives...
that are so fragile precious..
we should be truly thankful..
that it really was not worse...
we thank all our lucky stars...
you have a supporting family...
that give you plenty of LOVE...
from all of your friends Chudney...
all the old...and all the new...
we are so absolutely grateful...
you are more than okay too...
I do feel like I know you...
you grew up before our eyes...
the adult you've grown to be...
really comes as no surprise...
your family must very proud...
of the lady you have become...
daughters most certainly always..
take after their loving MOM...
certainly have enjoyed your blog..
although I am relatively new...
pray you have continued success..
It sounds like you have a great family! It's great to hear that you are doing okay. Take care of yourself.
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