Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Happy Birthday to my mom!

Sorry for the delay in posts! I have been out of town and sick :( UGH!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom--the one and only Miss Diana Ross. Chudney--I just watched that Endless Love video from Central Park in 1983 on You Tube when it was pouring rain. Diana was unbelievable. I was only in high school then. I wish I had been at that concert and then trumphant Day 2 return. I am almost in tears of joy watching your Mom persist on in the face of that storm. Seriously, I don't of ANYONE as classy as your Mom. Of course, some evil people will always want to bring the successfl woman down.
I am transfixed looking at your Mom on stage at that concert.

Yes--this blog is about you but your Mom brought you into this world and you are so lucky to have her as your Mom. Please tell her to keep the shows going and ignore the nay sayers. I hope one day that we can have a concert in Central Park again. Who cares if the audience is smaller. No one can beat Miss Ross.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chudney, your current post has an "emblematic" date ...March 26! These links just talk about it :)

What a beautiful and accomplished young lady you are going to be!

Cheers from Italy, Giacomo

Anonymous said...

Just "checking in" from Hong Kong. No worries, I'll check back. I'm the patient kind...hurry up! lol

Ruth x

Anonymous said...

Okay, I forgive you, you had a good reason, can't wait until Wednesday.

Dollfaced Rebel said...

Aww... I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to an update