I think when I meet people for the first time they expect Diana Ross’s daughter to be a self-righteous diva or an entitled bitch. People seem surprised that I am just a normal, fun-loving gal working hard and going after my dreams like everyone else. I’m not sure exactly what my mom did, but I know for sure she did something right with me and my siblings. I am very proud of the women I’ve become.
If someone asked me to describe myself, I would probably say I am a writer, a teacher, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, a travel enthusiast and creative thinker. To go deeper, I might describe myself as a supportive and fun friend, an affectionate and loving girlfriend, a loving sister and daughter and a patient and kind dog-owner. Climbing deeper into my soul, I would like to think that I am a good person with morals and good work ethic, a person who has the ability to bring joy and make people happy. I am a pleasure seeker who enjoys every moment of everyday, a caring and empathetic person who thinks of other people’s feelings and hopes to raise people up who are feeling down.
The women I am is definitely thanks to my mother who I try to emulate in her beauty, strength and perseverance. She has taught me that anything is possible with hard work and passion. My sisters have help mold me, as well. They are so beautiful, funny, smart and talented. They are shoulders to lean on and always just a phone call away when I need advice. My brothers make me feel young and alive. I'm so proud of their strength and maturity and the amazing men they are growing into. My humor and silliness comes from my dad. I am in awe of his ability to win over any crowd and brighten any room.
I aspire to continue to dream BIG! I want to be remembered for doing great things… FABULOUS things that will be remembered long after I am gone. I want to be a positive influence and leave a legacy of love and laughter. I am inspired to believe that anything is possible and that is a FABULOUS feeling.
I reach out to you my readers to see how you would describe yourself and who do you aspire to be?
I then challenge you to go after it…
Be that person you want to be, because anything is possible!
I believe you are what you repeatedly do. If I'm right, then you are truly multi-faceted.
I've found that to others we are not ourselves but an actor in the movie of their lives, cast for a part we do not even know we are playing.
Luckily, I do not believe we are what we eat, for then I would be easy, fast, and cheap. Have a great week. Roland
Go for your dreams Chudney !!! That's what we all should do.
Take care and all the best
this is really inspiring. love the honesty. it makes me stop and think, i need to be more grateful for what i have and more real. thanks:)
Hi Chudney! Glad to see this site! Just continue to act on the good things that God has planted in your heart! We can hear His voice through the talents & creative beauty He gives us which money cannot buy. Keep on inspiring & be your Fab self always! From a fellow Social Butterfly! :)
Hi Chudney,
Wow, another update! This is so exciting! It is so great to have you back again!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful and very inspiring reflection with us! I enjoyed reading about you, your dreams, and your very loving and supportive family! The "Ross Family" is the best, and I have so much respect for all of you! I really do. Since I have been a little kid, I have always viewed your family as positive role models who help so many people in life see that they have gifts & talents and can go for their dreams (I am sure that so many of your readers would agree with me regarding this). That is a wonderful message, and it gives so many of us hope to believe in ourselves and realize that we can achieve whatever we set out to do. You always convey this special message through your blog, your writing, work with charities, and the list goes on and on and on, and I appreciate that (I am sure that many of the regular readers do, too)! (This could be a great topic for another book that you may choose to write about one day.)
If I told you my dream (maybe one day I will work up the courage to do that), you would probably laugh at it and say it is impossible (as most people do), but hopefully, I will get there someday. Sometimes I think I missed the boat for it (and I probably did), and I'm not getting any younger either, but I do hope my ship will come in one day.
I also wish you the best of luck as you pursue your dreams and aspirations in life, too!!
Thanks again for another fabulous post! Cheers to "Going for our Dreams"!
If I had to describe myself, I would say that I am God fearing, I am love, I am joy, I am conscientious, I tend to get quiet when I’m trying to process things that don’t make sense to me. I am comical. I am honest; I can get frustrated at times. I am overly caring to the point I get hurt because I allow people to become a priority in my life when I’m only an option in theirs. I am integrity. I am so much more.
I aspire to be the best hotline counselor I can be for abused women so when I hang up the phone that woman would say that a nameless/faceless woman spoke words of comfort, love, peace, hope etc to me, now I can make it out of this situation. I also aspire to have my attributes speak louder than my voice. When I walk into a room I want love, joy, peace, laughter etc accompany me.
I aspire to get to a place in my life where I don’t compare myself with anyone but be proud of the woman I’ve become and becoming.
I would love to be known as the woman that loved the loveless, brought joy to the down trodden, was the life of the party and made you laughed till your stomach hurt, a shoulder to cry on, a wife that loved unconditionally, a mother that made mistakes but still got up and did what she had to do so her sons can know that it’s okay to make mistakes but get up and keep running this race called life,
a daughter that made her parents proud, an older sister that her siblings wants to emulate, a friend that was always there and was always truthfully no matter how hard it was.
My biggest dream is to always be ME so others can share in the gift that I am to them and hopefully they would be comfortable to be themselves so I can share in the gift they are to me. Remember we are gifts one to another but we have to be ourselves so others can enjoy the gift to the fullest. Also, don’t judge the gift by the “wrapping paper,” open it up and you will be shocked to know that you nearly threw away a jewel.
Be encouraged Chudney and continue to be a gift to others and watch others be a gift to you.
I am living my dream and your latest blog really hit home. Just so good to hear from you and hear your inspiring words lifting each one of us to aim as high as our dreams will takes us throughout the world. What an amazing culturally diverse adventure we're living in this world together. I am thankful for so much and never ever take any day for granted. Life is too short to do so.
Of all the forces that make for a better world , none is so powerful as hope.With hope, one can think, one can work, one can dream. If you have hope, you have everything.
Chudney you look stunning. Those shoes look delicious! Apples sure don't fall far from the tree. I think the greatest gift parents can offer is to be a positive role model. I learned to recognize the importance of people from both my parents. I am a Social Worker because it feels good.
I think I am a very good person and I learn how to treat people from my mom. She has done a lot of things in her life time but she instill in my sister and I different things. I am a good person to get alone with if you let me. I don't mind helping people when they are in need. I am a very honest person. My mom taught us to do unto others as we want to be done unto. She raised us different from the way she way raised. For that my sister and I are good parents to our children. I thank my mom for a lot of thing that has happen in my life but I have to give thanks to myself as well. I am very strong and independent person who is enjoying life to the fullest. I am a teacher in heart and a dependable person. I aspire to be the best me I can be. Hopefully I continue to have the love and respect that I get from my children and other family members. Chudney it is a good feeling to have such good role models in your life. It is also good when you growup to become a person that people can look back at and say such good things about you. I feel in my heart that you have made your mark in this world and we all is going to remember the wonderful person you are. I am sure that all the people that knows me will remember me as a good person. Thanks for listen I got to go Lena!!!
Thank you for all the beautiful comments. I continued to be inspired to bring happiness and joy because of people like you. Keep reading! Keep sharing!
Hi hi!
Rows and flows of angel hair, and icecream castles in the air, and feathered canyons everywhere,
I've looked at clouds that way,
but now they only block the sun.
They rain and snow on everyone.
So many things I would have done,
but clouds got in my way.
I've looked at clouds from both sides now,
from up and down, and still somehow,
it's clouds illusions I recal.
I really don't know clouds...at all.
Moons and Junes and ferris wheels, the dizzy dancing way you feel
as every fairy tale comes real; I've looked at love that way.
But now it's just another show. You leave 'em laughing when you go
and if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away.
I've looked at love from both sides now,
from give and take, and still somehow
it's love's illusions I recall.
I really don't know love at all.
Tears and fears and feeling proud, to say "I love you" right out loud,
dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way.
But now old friends are acting strange, they shake their heads,
they say I've changed.
Something's lost but something's gained in living every day.
I've looked at life from both sides now,
from win and lose, and still somehow
it's life's illusions I recall.
I really don't know life at all. JONI MITCHELL
Great message Chudney. Live your dreams and keep thinking the best. You are soo....right. Whatever your Mom did, she sure did it right when it comes to her kids (and her music!).
Now back to those U Tube videos of Concert in Central Park in '83. Can't stop watching Mirror, Mirror!
Greetings from Iceland
I don´t think you as a self-righteous diva or an entitled bitch, i think you are girl with lots of energy and are working very hard, but be careful to over do it, that is not good for the health. I have been reading your blog and that is really funny. Sometimes I can laugh what you are writing.
Don´t stop blogging
Another fabulous "ain't that the truth" moment. :D Girl, I just lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve your blogs.
Thank you, Chudney, for this really amazing blog. You know, my aspirations are out there in this vast universe hoping and praying it will land safely intact. lol I am extremely thankful after reading your blogs.
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