Wednesday, January 6, 2010


2010! WOW! Time passes so quickly!

The New Year gives us a time to reflect on years past and how to move forward in new, healthy and positive ways. I took a moment this holiday season to go over my resolutions from last year. Though I have come a long way with my health and fitness, writing and building my business, relationships, etc… there were still so many things that I had hoped to accomplish. I pondered what was most important for me this year and re-wrote my resolutions.

One of the things on my list of resolutions was this blog. Originally, I wrote here as a way to keep myself motivated and to continue to write weekly. I wrote because it was a fun way to explore my world and keep my fingers typing. I enjoyed the fact that I got tons of hits, that I seemed to entertain and evoke thought and so many of you continued to tuned in week after week. I truly appreciate your support and kind words.

Sadly, somewhere along the way, I lost the joy of writing this blog. Maybe it’s because my life has changed so much from when I started. At the beginning, I focused on the parties, the events, shopping and travel… The Hollywood lifestyle. Now, my focus seems to have shifted to starting a business, creating a positive impact on the world, my writing and my personal relationships. I still love the parties, don’t get me wrong, but as I embrace getting older I tend to be more content sitting on the couch curled up with a book, playing board games with friends or learning to cook for the first time.

As I grow and mature, I think it may be time for my blog to evolve as well. My thought is to take a subject that is important to me and explore it in depth through writing, art, videos and also getting input from you out there! My readers are beautiful, smart and talented. Amera’s poems, Sharon, Gene, Ruth, Sara, Mark, Lena, Bungee, Freddie, Andrew, Q and so many more of you who share your kind words, thoughts and experiences. I would love to figure out how to have you be a part of this too.

I’m still figuring out how to put it all together, but… stay tuned!
I promise, I’ll be back soon ☺