Wednesday, November 19, 2008

BE GREEN… Well, sort of!

So finally, two months after wrecking my car, I bought a new car. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Chudney, this is your time to give back to the environment instead of taking away. Leave the havoc wreaking, gas guzzling SUVs in the past and get a hybrid.” AND I did think about it. I thought about all the money I would save on gas (I drive A LOT). With my old Land Rover I was spending about $70 each week if not more. I even checked some Hybrids out, but as a single woman who may (wishful thinking) meet the man of the dreams at a red light, I just didn’t think they looked very sexy. My mom said, “Chudney, saving the environment IS sexy.” BUT seriously they look like soccer mom cars and till I have babies in the back, I want to look sexy behind the wheel… so I started searching for another SUV (Also after getting banged so hard, I wanted to feel safe behind the wheel of a indestructible tank).

I went back and forth with the idea of leasing versus buying, but finally decided to buy a used car. I don’t know enough about cars (and I think used car dealers like to take advantage of girls), so thankfully my ex Michael tagged along in my car search.

I searched and searched for a used Range Rover that I could afford that hadn’t had bodywork, paint work or any issues that would bite me in the ass in the future. We couldn’t seem to find one anywhere; and then it appeared. A sexy 2004 Mercedes Benz G500 in pristine condition. It was more money that I had planned to spend, but everyone (including my dad) seemed to think this car would give me WAY less problems than the Range Rover and would hold its value over time. I tossed and turned for two nights in a row till I finally made a decision. I am now driving the sexiest G-Wagon on the road and I love it.

Now, I know this huge tank is taking excessively from the environment, so it is my vow to find positive ways to give back. Here are some easy, fun, helpful suggestions on how you and I can be a bit more GREEN and give back to the environment. BEING GREEN is FABULOUS!

Did you know that only about half of all paper and a third of plastic bottles get recycled in the US? That means a huge amount of reusable stuff is being shoved in our already overflowing landfills. I have a recycling bin in my kitchen and make sure all the water bottles, cans, paper, etc get into that blue bin.

I bring a reusable canvas bag to the grocery store (instead of stocking up on multiple plastic bags) and I pick up dog poop with recyclable baggies. I also recycle my old makeup containers. MAC has a program that you can return them for a discount on future purchases.

I drink a lot of water and that means a lot of water bottles. I have made an effort to stop drinking from and disposing of multiple bottles of Smart Water a day. I now buy a big jug of purified water then refill a permanent aluminum water bottle through out the day.

This is an environmentally conscious choice and a great alternative to disposable containers. Most disposable water bottles are made of PET plastic and according to the American Recycling Institute, only 14% of these bottles are recycled. We are currently adding 30 million PET water bottles to our nation's landfills – everyday! Even if PET bottles are sent to the recycling center, they are really being "down-cycled", converted to a lower form of plastic, much of which goes unused.

Bicycles are a healthy and environmentally friendly way to get around and the only thing they burn is calories! I have the sexiest, pink beach cruiser and I ride it whenever I don’t have far to travel. I try to leave my car parked in my garage at least 2 full days a week. Try it!

I love potted plants not only because they look good, but also because they clean the air and reduce noise and stress. Plant-filled rooms contain 50% fewer airborne molds than rooms without plants. Go and get yourself some plants and be healthier and happier.

I go to the Farmers Market every Sunday and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies. Buying from local farmers means you're not only getting the freshest food possible, you're also saving energy. Typical grocery store produce travels nearly 1,500 miles before it ends up on your plate. All this traveling burns fossil fuels and results tons of air pollution. I’m making enough pollution with my SUV, so I ride my bike to the Farmers Market!

CFL light bulbs use about 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. Changing your light bulbs to CFL will allow you to save about $30 or more in electricity costs over each bulb's lifetime.

I bought a whole bunch at Target and have been replacing all the light bulbs in my house little by little. It’s an easy thing that can help you save some energy as well as save you some dough!

While researching ways to be GREEN, I learned something I never knew. Many household appliances are draining energy even when they're turned off? According to the government's ENERGY STAR program, 40% of the electricity that home electronics use is consumed while the products are not even on. Some of the most problematic energy-drainers while off are
* Tivo
* Cable boxes or satellite dish boxes
* Sound systems
* VCRs and DVD players
* Computers
* Computer printers
* Cable modems/DSL
* TVs
The best solution is to simply unplug appliances that are not in use or buy a smart power strip that will do the work for you.

If you have read my blog before, you know I love food. I love beef and chicken and BACON. Even though I consume meat often (I am about as far as you can get from being a vegetarian) I do try to go meatless at least once a week.
It has been said that changing our diets is an important part of environmental responsibility because rearing cattle and other animals used for food has a huge effect on greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. concluded that meat production produces about one-fifth of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

If avoiding meat for one day helps save the environment, I am all for it (I like a good veggie burger now and then with tofu bacon). How about trying Meatless Monday, a national public health campaign to help Americans prevent four leading causes of death: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.

It’s so important to do your part to save the environment and if you are like me (and not ready to change your mode of transportation) these are just a couple easy ideas that you can do to be a bit more GREEN.

If you have other GREEN tips please share them with me and all my blog readers!


Anonymous said...
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Rosser Ruth! lol said...

I'm doing my bit Chudney :) Nothing to add to the list, but getting better everyday at recycling...only recently been separating the plastics/paper etc for the recycle trip and I can honestly say to anyone not on board REALLY DOES MAKE YOU FEEL GOOOOD :) Try it. Made a start on the energy efficient bulbs...only one though thus far! Soon as the next one goes it will be changed :)

FAB blog! :)))))))))))))))))))))

Hi all...take it easy.

p.s. It's the wine bottles that I'm recycling mainly!...oops!

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chu china said...

You're a BACONhead luv, very nice. I'm learning about recycling, though in London and the UK they don't make as big a deal as they should. My brother saw you and your family at Paddington station once. He said he was the only person bugging out at meeting the'Girlfriends' actress and her fam as no one had a blooming clue.

Anonymous said...
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Rosser Ruth! lol said...

Just taken another step forward...bought a water filter yesterday so no more plastic bottles of water to buy and less visits to the recycling bins :)

Loved this blog.

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