VOTER registration deadlines are quickly approaching. In most states, there are only a few days left and still there are many people who haven’t registered to VOTE. Are you registered?
Some people say, “What’s the point? My VOTE doesn’t really matter.” BUT that is so far from the truth. I mean, what if everyone felt that way and no one VOTED? Then, we would never elect a president! Every VOTE counts!
You are an important and integral part of making changes in this country in a time when it’s needed more than ever. Whoever becomes the next president has a serious mess to deal with! The economy has gone to shit, the environment is quickly deteriorating, and the war has gone on way too long. Don’t you want to make sure the person you believe in addresses the issues that are important to you? Whatever your main concerns or issues are, VOTING allows you to take an active roll in our country’s future We will be dealing with the effects of this election for the rest of their lives.
VOTING is a privilege that far too many people take for granted. How would you feel if you couldn’t decide who to elect a president or choose a job or decide how many kids to have? There are many countries where people don’t have a choice. We live in an amazing country where no matter what you believe, no matter what your race, sex or religion you are allowed have a voice, so take advantage of it and VOTE.
This country needs some serious change and your VOTE can help! The right to VOTE is FABULOUS!
Register TODAY and encourage family members, friends, neighbors and acquaintances to register before it’s too late! “YES, WE CAN!”
A very emotive subject. We sure are in a mess. Living in the UK I don't ignore what's going on elsewhere in the world...especially on this subject! I go to bed AFTER I've set the DVD recorder for the overnight coverage of the USA election news...watched McCain V Obama this morning. Off to San Francisco in the morning (now my Coccyx are healed enough...lol...another story!), so no doubt I'll be hooked to all the news channels.
Hi Chudney,
Not sure if my comments was sent. sorry if this is a duplicate.
You're so right. Now is the time for every American to take a pro-active stance in this presidential race. This will be the most crucial decision you will be making. Especially during the most critical moment in our lifetime.
Just a little bit of your much needed participation, will be felt. You can volunteer by calling potential voters. Your local candidate's campaign office will gladly provide you with a list of potential voters to call and even assist you with the best tools to make your involvement a positive experience. Hey, you can also call friends, family members, acquaintances to make sure they're voting. Make sure also that they'll continue the cycle by contacting the friends, family, etc.
This is the time to not idly sit on the sidelines. Look at America's economy. Hell, look at the world economy. People we are in dire straits!!! People are losing their jobs, their lifesaving. retirement fund, health care, homes foreclosures!
Voting is not just a privilege, it come also with a strong sense of responsibility, the duty for every American to make their voices heard by voting. And in the words of one true American, that we all know and love will tell you, "VOTING IS FABULOUS!!!"
It's time for a CHANGE!!!!!
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