Last week, Rowdy and I started dog training. I had done training with Peanut years ago when we joined Le Paws Agency (yes, Peanut has an agent - check out my March 18th, 2007 blog and recently appeared on Ugly Betty – check it out at ). Training at the agency was with a guy named Zack and his dog Mr. Moon. He recently opened his own dog store and training facility in Hollywood called Urban Tails (Check it out at I liked him and trust him, so that’s just where I decided to do training with Rowdy.
Rowdy is aggressive on a leash and I was concerned about going into group training, so we stopped by the store for an evaluation. Sure enough, as we approached the counter where Mr. Moon was perched by the cash register Rowdy growled and jumped. When Zack talked to him, he relaxed. Zack told me that he thought we would be fine in the group class (and that it was the perfect place to work through leash aggression issues).
Zack gave me two strong suggestions to address before we returned for class the following week:
1) Rowdy should be on a pinch collar for training (You know those ones that look like torture devices with spikes digging into the dogs throat). He explained to me that it actually doesn’t hurt the dog, but it works pressure points and would help me gain control.
2) Dogs are verbal creatures and the name Rowdy comes with negative tone. He said it would be a GOOD idea to think of a new name for him. This is not the first time I have heard this. My mom wanted to call him Serenity to help change his demeanor. She is a strong believer that people (and dogs, I guess) live up to whatever you call them. Call a kid trouble and that’s just what he’ll be.
I put a lot of thought into the name change. I mean, how can you live almost 2 years with one name then just like that it changes. Plus, Rowdy is a cute name and it does suit him (maybe all too well). I called Natasha (his previous owner) to ask her thoughts and she wasn’t too excited. BUT he’s my dog now and maybe a name change is just what the doctor ordered (or the trainer, whatever)! I tried a couple on for size to see what he responded to. “Come, Billy” worked, but didn’t feel totally right. “Baxter, sit!” He didn’t even flinch. “BRODY, come!” Ah, FABULOUS! It fit like a glove and so now I introduce you to my new improved dog BRODY!
Week One of Training –
Wednesday morning, I woke feeling excited about BRODY’s training. Even though I did my best to avoid other dogs on our morning walk, he still growled and jumped when one came into sight. I fed BRODY only half of his regular serving of food (You want the dog to be hungry so they will for sure respond to the treats).
That evening, we arrived to class a little early to purchase the new pinch collar (Whoo Hoo!) and took a walk around the block to get used to it. When BRODY approached the other dogs in the training, he was aggressive at first, but settled in (I think he is a all bark and no bite, but I didn’t want to find out for sure)! We started heel commands and then sit, stay and down commands. To my surprise BRODY was a whiz kid (maybe even the best in the class)! He picked up everything quickly and was very responsive to all the commands (I think this dog might do anything for food). We worked hard on the focus command (when the dog sits and stare in your eyes to hold focus), which is so important to build a relationship of authority with your dog. You are the boss not him (Peanut sometimes forgets this). I learned that this is what we need to work on at home. I was so proud of him and excited about his progress.
At home, we continued to work on the sit, down and stay commands (Peanut is doing awesome too with the refresher). BRODY continued to be aggressive on the leash (So annoying!) and I continued to avoid other dogs on our walks.
Week Two of Training–
Again, I started the day with only feeding BRODY half of his regular food and no treats all day. At the beginning of class everyone sits in chairs very close to each other with the dogs in way too close proximity. This time when we arrived, the class was extremely full! There were lots of new students who also seemed to have aggression issues. Within the first 10 minutes of class BRODY tried to bite the nice puppy next to us. I took this as an opportunity to get some one-on-one coaching on how to deal with leash aggression, which is normal in many dogs. Even if they are not alpha males (dominating dog), they feel secure and tough when on the leash next to you. Zack told me that is was better to not avoid the other dogs, but to put BRODY in a sit and focus as other dogs approach. Let him know who is in charge and hold his focus on you not the other dog. Do not use the “no” command or the choke tactic, which I have been using. I guess focus and staying calm is the main thing BRODY (and I) have to work on throughout continued training. I’ll keep you posted on his continued progress!
Also a little excitement (and stress) this week –
BRODY ate a chocolate bar with espresso beans off my roommate’s bed! Just what I need, a caffeinated, dead dog (dogs are NOT supposed to eat chocolate bars)! At first I saw no signs of illness or trouble, so I held off taking him to the vet for a stomach pump. But the next day, BRODY was extremely irritable at the dog park. I mean, he was getting in fights with everyone and had to be dragged out of there over my shoulder (I can imagine nothing more embarrassing for a young dog). When we got home I noticed his increased heart rate and uncontrollable panting. It didn’t subside after a little water and rest, so I threw the doggies into the car for a trip to the emergency room. After a chat with the vet and a quick examine (and $150 later) BRODY was declared fine with no pancreatic damage and no death in sight (PHEW)!
Later that night on our walk, BRODY took a big poop that was pink (Interesting)! Upon closer examination, I realized my nice, new dog had just eliminated a pair of my lace panties (NO JOKE)! Maybe it was the underwear not the chocolate and espresso beans that was agitating his stomach. UGH!
BRODY is not a bad dog. He is a puppy working out some serious growing pains. Though stressful at times with the growling and the panty loss, BRODY is settling in just fine and that is FABULOUS!
Hi Chudney,
Good luck with Brody! He will be such a fabulous dog after you complete the training sessions. I can remember going to those same classes with my golden retriever. In fact, we went with the whole family so we would all know how to handle him. And you know what, those classes paid off until this day, and my dog is fabulous! He tries so hard to please us. It is fun (and yes, sometimes annoying) to go through the puppy stage, but it is all worth it. I bet Peanut will eventually enjoy Brody's company. It is really amazing how the dog becomes part of the family and how the relationship and trust develops with a little love and care. Thanks for another fabulous update, and I wish you the best of luck with Brody! -Mark
Okay Chudney,
At the risk of a forever banishment order from your Queendom, I must protest, on behalf of Rowdy. Yes, you heard me right, Rowdy, not Brody! Hey Brody is a name I wish I had picked for one of my babies(Tokugawa), but I didn't and you really shouldn't change his name after 2 yrs of calling him Rowdy. Now, I know what your so-called doggie experts are saying, as well as your Mother, in whose capable and lovely hands I would normally leave my daily living decisions. But a name change is not one.
Our second one has a face just like your problem baby only black. He is part terrier and often terriers exhibit unique behavior. I rescued him of the street as a tiny thing so that he never was with others. He growls, snaps, sings, shows his teeth by pulling back his lips (this goes hand in hand with growling) and is a real clown. We love him for it, never punish him, once in a while shush him. At first we wondered since we never had a terrier before but, sitting at the vet with him one day, an old lady told us that he is being just a terrier. We may have one advantage. He (Hadad is his name) gets put n place by Toku at times. They are the same size but Toku being part German shepard is more muscular and turns him over in the garden once he caught him. Hadad loves that. If we would go by names we would have to switch them. Toku (Tokugawa) is the most famous Japanese shogun, a 17th century warrior, who established Japan as a nation but ours is a gentle creature. Hadad is aramaeic (the language Jesus' spoke) and means joy, clamor, noise. Technically he is the evil doer in the family. We love him just the way he is. These experts need to relax. Now I must go and f take a Xanax. SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE! LOL!!! Take care Kiddo, opps, sorry, I meant Chudney. Get the hint! :)
Bahahahahahaaaaaa! I LOVE YOUR BLOG. I would comment more but I can't stop laughing.....NO JOKE !!! Bauhahahahaha GOSH! Snort, snort. I'll write more later...I gotta get a grip...Bauhahaha...
see ya...hee hee
Coś dla każdego.
Hi Chudney
Will you be at the Hollywood Bowl Friday and Saturday night for Mom's highly anticipated concert under the stars?! It's also 25 years since the The Concert in Central Park. Look forward to seeing you on stage on Saturday night.
Sinds you do not have a private e-mail adres for me to send you this fashion site. We just had.. fashion week, page is mostly in English, since it is a Dutch site.., but check it out..
And Gene.. who cares if Chudney calls her dog, Crazy dweepie.. if she finds it allright to give the dog another name, than so be it. I have changed my dogs name in to Quenie.. which is better than her old name.
Cool, Peanut and Brody (do you got the hots for Brody Jenner) hhahahahah.. just kidding, nice weekend kid,
Oh chudney, i nearly wet my pants reading this story, you are so funny and i really think you make an excellent writer.
i have just Watched the clip with Peanut and he is so cute.
Love Carol xx
As long as deep in the heart,
The soul of a Jew yearns,
And towards the East
An eye looks to Zion,
Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope of two thousand years,
To be a free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.
Uważam,że twoja mama jest pozytywnie
Boli mnie ząb!!!
Chudney, I love your blog!! This entry was so great, informative, helpful, and great. i just got a new ppuppy (an adorable yorkie) and we are in the process of training her..i am definetly taking much info from this entry to use on her. Thank you for that!
and i love your little personal inputs in each of your how changing rowdie's name was such an issue and you used input from other ppl, including that of your all sounds so cute the way you present everything.
love it, chudney! keep em coming, girl
Diana Ross Rules--THE BOSS! OMG..the concert Saturday night at the Hollywood Bowl was AMAZING. All the best songs (except I missed "Muscles", "Take Me Higher", and "Dirty Looks"). Chudney we looked for you but didn't see you. You were at the Univeral Studios show last Novemeber (wearing that hot pink Diana Ross t-shirt on stage), but no family members on stage last Sat. night. My friend said they saw Tracy at the Friday night show.
All we need is one more hit record to lock this career as one of the best ever. Can Michael Masser write just one more song for Diana? PLEASE, the show MUST go on for at least 20 more years.
'panty loss'??! Hilarious...
Okay peanut is adoooorable! How cool that he was on Ugly Betty! :) :) :) (a staaar is born)
Also, have you ever watched that cool show called 'its me or the dog'? Its like a super-nanny for doggies, and it's a british show. But I love it, you learn sooo much and see the worst misbehaving doggies get straighted right out, very quickly, and much much easier than you could imagine. Its really interesting. Maybe they have it on youtube if you don't have that channel (I forget which channel, but I have dish network -- i get it on that).
xoxo :)
Hi Chudney,
I hope that you and your family are okay! I heard about the terrible earthquake that happened in your area today. I am sure that it was very frightening and upsetting. I don't know why these awful things happen. Anyway, I hope that everything is O.K. with all of you. -Mark
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