Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I fuckin’ (excuse my French) LOVE FAST FOOD! I dream about it. I crave it. I have to fight not to turn off the road when I pass a McDonalds or In & Out. It’s ridiculously unhealthy I know, but I think FAST FOOD is FABULOUS.

Yes, I understand that my love of FAST FOOD is slowly killing me from the inside out, rotting my intestines and making me work out at the gym way more than I would like to. But I can’t help it (or control myself). I love it!

People have suggested I read or watch Fast Food Nation (by Eric Schlosser). They tell me how terrible it is, but SERIOUSLY have they ever tasted a Big Mac’s special sauce or the crispy yet soft / spicy yet cool Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell? (I swoon just thinking about it!) Here’s the thing, I am an educated women (Georgetown University Grad) that knows this is NOT a healthy dining option, but at the same time I am a pleasure seeker that likes to partake in what I enjoy. When what you enjoy is so damn cheap and brings you so much happiness while you are shoveling it in your mouth (I do tend to feel sick after, but that’s neither here nor there ;) I say go for it… in moderation of course (once a week TOPS or I will be the size of a house)!

My absolute favorite is MCDONALDS. I get a Number One meal (Big Mac) regular size not super size (I have my limits, you know ;) with a coke and a side of buffalo sauce for the fries. Seriously, a Big Mac is a little slice of heaven. The sauce oozes out on to your fingertips, the meat patties are perfect sized for the soft buns and the pickles tingle your taste buds adding just the right zest. The fries are crispy like no other and that buffalo sauce is the perfect blend of spicy and tangy. God, I love those golden arches. I would marry that Ronald McDonald if he didn’t wear that silly clown get-up!

Running a close second to MCDONALDS is TACO BELL. My favorite is the Cheesy Gordita Crunch (a hard shell meat taco with zesty sour cream wrapped in a warm, soft gordita shell and held together with hot, melted cheese)! I use one fire and one hot sauce and get a fountain soda (coke) to cool my taste buds. TACO BELL is the perfect late night (or anytime) snack! I mean that IS why they call it “the fourth meal.”

People who don’t live in a state that has IN & OUT are truly missing out. Coming in third place in my favorite FAST FOOD place hall of fame is IN & OUT. I get the Number 2 meal (cheeseburger) protein style (with a lettuce bun). I don’t do the double double (2 patties) though I’m not sure why. I think I will upgrade on my next visit! The meat is juicy; the special sauce so ridiculously delicious, the onions are like a party in your mouth and the lettuce bun is crisp and fresh. I don’t love the fries (not fried to perfection like MCDONALDS), but slather those bad boys in that special sauce (you can request side sauce packets – I get 2!) and life is good.

Coming in fourth place is FAT BURGER! My love of FAT BURGER started as a child. I have fond memories of stuffing my face with a fat burger with chilly and bacon while hanging with my mom in LA. Chilly dripping down my chin and down my shirt, mom would just laugh along as she ate hers (with way more grace, I might add). Now, I opt for a baby fat (smaller and more manageable) with the works and bacon of course (bacon is my favorite food!) I get the skinny fries, though if I’m feeling wild I get the onion rings.

Rounding out my list of the top 5 FAST FOOD joints is WHITE CASTLE. I grew up on the east coast and WHITE CASTLE was always a favorite of my youth. You don’t see many WHITE CASTLES now, but luckily my mom always has the frozen ones in her freezer. They are a great microwavable snack, a little bite size piece of heaven. I have wonderful memories of spending time with my extended family in Detroit (My mom is one of 6 kids and they all have tons of kids too) My cousins and uncles would see how many WHITE CASTLE hamburgers they could eat. I would laugh till my stomach hurt (not from the food) watching my cousin Tommy turn green as he shoveled his 15th or 16th mini-burger into his mouth. Oh… the FABULOUS FAST FOOD family memories ☺

Now, I know that there are many other FAST FOOD options that didn’t make it into my top 5. So here are a couple honorable mentions:

Although I don’t frequent JACK IN THE BOX (often referred to as Jack in The Crack), they do have this great South Western Chicken Salad. The dressing is zesty and delicious, the lettuce crisp and fresh and it has all the right toppings including little dorito like chips. Although probably about as fattening as a burger, It’s super yummy!

When I was in high school, I loved to sneak off campus to WENDYS. I had a thing for dipping French fries into a frosty. Their fries are a little thicker and softer than their delicious counterparts (MCDONALDS), but the mix of the salt and the sweet flavors when you dip them in the cold, frozen goodness of a chocolate frosty, tickles the taste buds!

I usually don’t do KFC at all because the chicken (or what ever it is) scares me a bit, but the mashed potatoes are to die for! When I got my wisdom teeth out Mom brought a constant supply to feed me. The gravy... YUM!

FAST FOOD tickles the taste buds, brings joy to my heart (and maybe a couple inches to my waist line). Maybe not the healthiest option, but as you can see I think FAST FOOD is truly FABULOUS!


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Wow...whata potty mouth. And, you seem to drink a lot and have poor eating habits. You have pre-marital sex, and hang out to all kinds of hours. This is so un-christian like. Hey...this sounds like me! Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chudney! Well, obviously you can afford to eat a little fast foods. You're still young, PLUS you have those fabulous slim genes (from your fabulous mom) working for you! ;0)

Anonymous said...

omg you're so cute!

i need to check out in & out, we don't have that on the east coast (at least i don't think)

don't get me started on wendy's jr bacon cheese burger, their baked potatoes, fries, AND nuggets!!! (not all at once,lol, that's OD)

long live fast food... in moderation of course ;)

Anonymous said...

OK, I have to put my two cents in. Stay out of the fast food joints! Too much sodium, sugar and fats! That being said, I love your blog. I like to hear of your likes dislikes in all forms of entertainment and travel. Even if I never get to the places you've been, your descriptions are so vivid. Still waiting for those books! Thanks for sharing.

PS: The swearing doesn't bother me at all. My favorite comedian is George Carlin and I use all seven of the words on his list!

Anonymous said...

hey Chudney--love the blog but you don't have to swear--it's not classy.

Anonymous said...

chudney-please ask your Mom to sing "Dirty Looks"-the jazzy version like she did in 1995 in Japan when she gives her upcoming concert in LA Nov 20, 07--please, please! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Chudney--you or Tracee show do Dancing with the Stars next year!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog, but do you really think people are interested in such a highly detailed report on which fast food items you like? I was reading it saying, "Why is she imagaining we care about any of this?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymouse, would you flush yourself into the next toilet when you see one behind the door and leave Chud alone. Besides what is your problem, this is blog is for those WHO ARE INTRESTED in what goes around the STATES and for those who are NOT intrested, i would say, just piss the hell of this blog.
By the way what has Chud ever done to you?! Back off psycho.

Hey Chud, ignore that silly psycho he or she is just jeliouse because those who do support you in every way know how hard life is, but the most important thing is freedom of speach just delete this alien of your blog only spreading negative energy.
How is the KFC, I really love junkfood to, and the iriony is is that its so lovely.. hehehehehe.
Kid just believe in yourself no matter what, and if time and place are right we will meet.., oke how is your book doing..,


70ssoulchild said...

Hey Chudney,
This is my first time posting and I gotta give you props on your love of fast food. You and I order the same thing at Mickey D's.

Girl, your descriptions are making me hungry like a big dog, lol.

Peace out,

::Goes back to eating oatmeal and imagining its a Big Mac::

Anonymous said...

omg we have the same birthday and it must be sumthin in that i like everything on your top 5 except white castle its not me i grew up in la and there is so many more small hole in the walls like titos tacos jhonnys pastrami and a hole in the wall in the hood called burger palace on florence and western that have these chili chese pastrami fries that would make you lick the plate!!! try it but don't go to late the local crack heads lol i know but the best places are in the hood lol also quick and split lol or wings and things girl you should not have gotten me started!!