Sunday, January 28, 2007

Los Angeles, CA

Hollywood is totally like High School and the young Hollywood Celebutantes are the in-crowd.

In high school I was NEVER in the in-crowd!!

I did hang out with a few popular girls (Casey, Kim and Annie) who seem to love me no matter how big my glasses were. They let me tag along on jelly doughnut throwing sprees, hanging on the “Ave” and weekend keg parties (though I usually sat in a corner ogling my long time crush Corny (Cornelius Shields VI…. Mmm… He still makes me swoon a little bit ;). I didn’t drink and left early as my curfew was hours early than anyone else. My mom’s motto, “Anything you can do after midnight can and should be done before.” Sounds good I guess, but NOT when you’re trying your best to fit into the preppy Greenwich party scene.)

When not trailing the girls, I spent most of the time avoiding Sarah Anderson (Grrr… that’s a growl) and any other bullies flicking my glasses, making fun of me and my favorite Mickey Mouse sweatshirt and purple combat boots. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and would spend hours hiding in the library behind a stack of books. I went to school dances alone, never dated and was awkward and shy.

The problem was, I knew I was more. I always felt like I was being hidden in this skin, that I was a cool kid underneath and the in-crowd was where I belonged.
You would think I would have come to accept my status in the social order… but NO!

Now that I have blossomed, I want to rock out like the Celebutante I knew was hidden under those TERRIBLE baggy clothes, HUGE glasses and frizzy braids. I want to sit at the in-crowds lunch table (in this case the Ivy or Mr. Chows)!

So watch out world! Here comes CHUDNEY ROSS, geek no more ;)


Anonymous said...

Hehe... I was a nerd too!
Love it.

Anonymous said...

This pic is hysterical!! LOVE IT!
Keep up the good work.

Kelly said...

Talk about being a nerd? I was the biggest nerd AND outcast all of my school life. I was tall and lanky. I didn't have glasses, but I did have the frizzy braids, with the brillo pad baseball cap bangs. In elementary school I was painfully shy and didn't have any friends. In junior high school I was a complete nerd and had one friend, Darlene Coleman who was kind of an outcast like me, but not as much. Terri Lynn Kirpatrick was a bully and use to try to intimidate me. One day in English class she said something to me and I was showing genuine concern and interest and said, "Oh really?" Not in a snyde kind of way, but truly in a way of pure interest. She then said, mockingly, "'Oh really?' You think you're really something. 'Oh really?' You always try to talk like you're so high and mighty." I had no idea what the heck she was talking about. She would stalk me a give me really mean looks and threaten to beat me up. Luckily she never did. But she did step on the back of Darlene's heels in the hall way and Darlene was too scared to turn around and confront Terri. I was waiting for Terri Lynn to give me the back of the heels treatment, but she never did. I think she was more into threatening me, but not actually getting physical. Either way it went, Terri Lynn was the scariest thing since Freddy Kruger. Yikes! A few years later I witnessed Lori Bruquette bite a chunk out of Terri Lynn's Jheri curled hair. Boy was THAT a sight to see! Lori shook it in her mouth like a crazed dog would. Maybe Lori recieved the dreaded back of heels treatment and decided to take action. And speaking of Lori Bruquette, years before that, she was new in the neighborhood. She was in my 3rd grade class and I tried to befriend her because she was the new kid. I would see her in the neighborhood over the years and we were, I guess, sort of friends or friendly acquaintances. But by the time we got to junior high, Lori totally dissed and ignored me because she found out I was the "outcast". I remember saying to myself, "Wow, Lori you too?" When me and Darlene got to high school, suddenly she wasn't a nerd anymore, but she was still my friend. She invited me over to sit with her and her new click at the popular girl's table in the cafeteria. When I went there to sit with them, ALL of the popular girls gave me really dirty looks. Here I was, this sub-human, in their presence. Darlene was really nice to me and I knew that if I sat at their table everday, dressed and talked like time I'd be accepted right alone with Darlene. As I sat there in silence, looking at the mean girls look at me, I knew I'd never want to be apart of their click. The next day I surveyed the cafeteria and saw a lone girl with glasses and a over weight boy sitting a few seats to her left. I chose to sit there. I sat there all year long. It was the girl with the glasses, the chubby boy, and the outcast. By this time I started wearing a grey hoodie and black Ray Ban sun glasses. I have no idea what all that was about, Oh also the black swede boots with the little silver spurs. Thanks to my wonderful mom, who instilled self confidence and individuality in me, I never felt bad about myself. In high school, I quite enjoyed my individuality. I knew I was different and I really liked that about myself. After the 9th grade, Darlene and I weren't really friends anymore. We'd see each other in passing, and were polite to each other, but that's about it. Boys never asked me out. I never was invited out anywhere. I never went to a school game of any kind or a dance or a prom or ANY social event ever in school. But at the sametime, I was never depressed or lonely. So I know aaaaaalll about being a nerd and an outcast. Chudney I think it's cool that you're a social butterfly ready to see and enjoy the world. As for me, I'm very happy and content with my educational pursuits, my two adorable dogs, my movies and tv shows, electric guitar, and my mom (who I speak to on the phone alot.) People at work and school want to be my friend. When they meet me, they always ask me for my phone number. They say I'm really funny and invite me out alot. I've gone out a few times, but 9 times out of 10 I usually decline. Being at home is where I'm most comfortable. BUT, I believe in balance. I have promised myself that I will go out with my friends, yes I can say FRIENDS!!, much more. Geez, I didn't expect to write all of this! I guess the nerd blog really set it off!

Anonymous said...

Chudney it's you?**********