Thursday, December 2, 2010


Bold Bright Wishes Christmas
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.


'Oz said...

I first didn't understood what the post was about cause it opens on a website and I was confused.
Then I read the news in the "about me" section of the site... I like the concept. It sounds good!!!
Wish you all the best for this new project.
I wish I could make a trip to Santa Monica!!

Brava Chudney!

Freddie said...

I always think of chocolate chip cookies with walnuts when I see your sign for Books and Cookies. Those are my favories, with a nice glass of milk. My sister just purchased the new book by President Obama, Letters To My Daughters. It is a sweet lesson in history. Very nice. It's a perfect gift for her class. She teaches kindergarten.