Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Mercedes Benz Miami Swim (Miami Fashion Week) was FABULOUS. I love fashion shows and I love Miami, so the minute I got a couple invites to shows and parties, I went on and booked myself a flight (No, sadly I do NOT have a travel agent).

I love to attend Fashion Weeks from East to West. They are a great place to mingle and network (I do some modeling and hosting, so what better place to network than a fashion event full of the media) and they are also super FUN!

Fashion weeks are funny because most of the time no one cares to take a picture of me or even that I am at their event, but because I keep showing up, have a fashion icon Mother (and not a lot of celebrities were attending the events), they were stoked to see me. I have to admit I like the attention, but I know its short lived and doesn’t mean anything. I pose for pictures (mostly so I can check myself out later on wire images) and do interviews (trying to get myself a hosting gig with the shows and websites that cover fashion events). It’s all in fun and I enjoy it.

The first show I attended in South Beach was Bagley Mischca where I sat front row (the most coveted fashion week seat) next to Kim K and Ariel Stein (Miami socialite and PR agent). Models stalked the runway in classy bikinis, one pieces and cover-ups decorated with crystals and sparkles. My favorite: a black low-rise bikini with ornate pink crystal broach style circles holding it together. Gorgeous!

That night we hit Forge, not only the hot spot for the night but also the site of the Neiman Marcus fashion show. The runway split the restaurant in two where dining patrons gazed at hot models in bikinis (there was one sexy male model named Wes that I took a liking to) while they ate dinner. I mingled in the bar with my girls Sam and Kim C. while I sipped a Kier Royal and munched on passing appetizers (ok… gorged myself on passing appetizers. This was dinner, you know). After we hit Glass, the club next door, where I lost everyone (including the sexy model, Wes, that I was flirting with). So headed back to the hotel at 2:30am for a semi-early (by Miami standards) night.

The next night was my favorite show by far, Ashley Page (Totally my style!) Young, hip and fun suits with bright colors bopped there way down the runway on perky models (one looked just like my Barbie’s little sister Skipper). The highlight of the show (other than tons of bikinis I want) was Caroline D’Amore (she works the runway like no other), Jaselin (last season’s winner of America’s Next Top Model) and Heidi Montag (from The Hills TV show). All the show was missing was CHUDNEY on the runway and the show would have been the BOMB!!

Also that night I attended Shay Todd where one piece suits with sexy cut-outs ruled the runway and I coveted many for myself.

Saturday night, the La Perla show was fantastic. It started with bikinis, then gowns, then panties (Very Hot!) and ended with me getting physically pushed and cursed out by a security guard (which led to me making a not so cute exit…) I don’t care if they were trying to clear out the event quickly, NO ONE needs to put their hands me and push me then curse me out. It’s inappropriate, it upset me and so I cried (but just a little bit. I didn’t want to ruin my eye make-up ;). After taking a minute back in my hotel room to calm myself and breathe, I was ready to head out and party. (Thanks Sam and Eddie for calming me down ;)

So even though a few tears may have been shed, MIAMI SWIM was FABULOUS and FUN. I made some great connections (in business and in love ;) and got to check out some fantastic swimwear while basking in the sun with friends.

Till next fashion week…


Anonymous said...

You were made for the runway! Do they choose you or do you volunteer? Sorry to hear about the rough up you got. That should have been reported and that guy should have gotten fired! I'm sure those in charge did not make that a part of his job! I hope the rest of the evening went well. Love the blog! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

How rude of that security person!

All in all sounds like you had FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to check They have great photos of you too! You have to take a photo showing off the shark tatoo! I saw the interview on YouTube where you were talking about it. That should be an interesting story. Do tell!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say 'hey'. You are a very nice girl and congratulations on your achievements. But I wanna explain something about these so-called 'haters' like chelsea(who got an unbelievable time from people, I mean OMG leave her alone!!!) The way I see it, these people aren't haters...they're just not feelin it, you know? It just isn't their thing. How I know is b/c to be honest, it's not really my thing either. I've never really been into kissing up to people so I'm just being straight with you and I hope you'll know I don't mean to be cruel. It's just like picking up a book at the library. You read the back to see what the subject is, and if it's not something that interests you, you dont read it. that doesnt mean the author has failed as a writer or is being personally hated on. Maybe some people, like myself, entered this blog and didnt find what we hoped we would and are a little disappointed. that's all. Thank you so much for this, though, you are a good writer and I've got beautiful children in my life, so I'm keeping an eye out for your children's books. Peace and love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Chudney! I've read your blog a couple times, and now I feel the need to comment.

All this talk of haters and everything is just stupid. Your blog is just that, YOUR blog. It's your personal space in cyberspace and you can say whatever you want and express your thoughts. Some people seem to forget that it's ok to talk about the lighter side of life (i.e Coffee Bean..I'm sooo jealous!). Life isn't all about sadness and what's wrong in the world. We all deal with that enough and I'm sure you do good with your life. You're allowed to shoot the breeze and keep it fun & easy.

That being said, all the supposed people who leave shitty comments and tell you how you should go out and change the world and blah blah are sitting on their ass in front of a computer screen too. It's more than ironic that someone who is reading your blog is telling you what a waste of time it is or imparting their words of wisdom. If they were some great force in the world, they would get off their butts and go down to their local homeless shelter and volunteer instead of leaving nuggets of idiotic 'advice' on someone's blog.

That's just my take on things. I think your blog is fab and I love reading about your life. You're witty and adorable. Don't let the morons get you down. They'll forget whatever it is they're criticizing tomorrow anyway :)

Kelly said...

sounds like you had a blast in Miami, but the rough up was a different story. I damn sure would have reported that security guy. The way he went about handling things were uncalled for.

la petite fashionista said...

just found your blog while googling the mercedes benz miami fashion week! i'm looking to volunteer there this year, it seems like an exciting event so i'm hoping i'll get accepted!
